Thursday, March 9, 2017

NEW RECORD BOOK & OLD RAIDS CONFIRMED | Age of Triumph Reveal Stream update #Destiny

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Bungie has completed their first of three reveal streams and we boy we have a lot to talk about in this video

Hi Guardians welcome back. Bungie just announced what is in store with the Age Of Triumph update. In the twitch stream we had Deej the community manager , Ryan the lead designer of the live team and Joe the Raid designer who designed the Wrath of the Machine. And the topic at hand was of course the Age of Triumph and what we can expect from this update. As expected the Age of Triumph is a new record book that is focused on the celebration of all your accomplishments in Destiny.
This new record book consists of 13 pages and it has accomplishment for any type of player whether you are an early destiny player, a PVE player, a collector or whether you are more focused on Pvp every activity in the game will have xp contributed to this record book.

You are probably curious what the content is so lets go through the pages one by one. The first page shows the different emblems that you can get as a reward for ranking up, the final reward is the rank 7 package. This package will give you the OPTION to buy an Age of Triumph T-shirt with your Gamertag on it. Let me repeat you get the option to buy it, it is not a Free t-shirt you will have to spend money to receive it.
It will be great if we can get the t-shirt for free but I don’t think that is financially possible, I have created events before where we need t-shirts for and depending on the quality and quantity the prices can vary from $5 - $20 and on top of that there will be shipping fee as well for each single t-shirt. And this for a game that costs between 40 and 60 dollars depending on what time you bought the game it is a big sum of money if the t-shirts are for free.
So I understand it might not be financially possible for them to offer the T-Shirts for free, but I do hope that the shirts are at an acceptable price range , and please ship them globally. Give us europeans and other countries outside of the US some love as well.

So lets move on to the other pages. I will go through them very quickly as most of them are very straight forward.
So we have a page called commemoration to celebrate Day 1 and early players of the game.
There is a page for all the story missions.
And there is a separate page for the Titan , Hunter and Warlocks, where you get xp for things like getting kills with your super or by reaching level 40 etc.
There is a page that celebrate strike activities and a page that is focused on your accomplishments in the crucible.
Similar for the Raids as well
And this is pretty neat, there is a page for avid collectors like, how many ships, sparrows or shaders that you have collected. You get xp’s for collecting exotic weapons and armor and finally you also get points by unlocking grimoire
There is another page called wanderer that rewards you with activities like finding dead ghosts and collecting calcified fragments.
And the final pages are focused on leveling up your allegiances like the 3 factions but also vanguard and iron banner rank as well.
The final page is focused on your achievements in Trials of osiris, which includes a lighthouse visit. I have like most of you never visited the lighthouse, but luckily this does not mean you won’t be able to unlock all the rewards.

According to Bungie you will need to unlock around 40% of the achievements to get to rank 7, which is good news. The reason being is that Bungie wants to celebrate achievements of every guardian, it should not matter whether you are solely a Pvp player or PVE player, or you just like to collect stuff, they want everyone to be able to get all the rewards.
This is a good change as Destiny is already such a grindy game so it is good to hear that these rewards are attainable for every type of player.

Now if you have watched carefully you will have noticed that the Raid section mentioned an achievement where you will need to complete the 390 light version of the Vault of Glass.

YES guardians bungie is bringing back the old Raids! All raids will have a 390 light level version and all raid loot will drop at current light levels, there will be no light level increases the max will stay at 400. So yes that does mean that things like the Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence and Vex Mythoclast is coming to year 3 with their elemental burns.There will also be new armor sets , ornaments, ghosts and sparrows for all raids.

Bungie also mentioned that the grind will be less painful. They bumped up loot drop rates and the raid are tweaked a bit to make it less tedious and more fun.
They mentioned some fixes and changes to Crota’s end and the oracles and pre templar fight has been shortened.

And there will be a weekly raid activity with new challenge modes. We will start on the 28th of March with Crota’s end, followed by Vault of Glass and Week 3 will be the King’s Fall raid.

Overall I like the update. I like the fact that all type of players are rewarded with the record book, it doesnt matter whether you like Pvp or PVE you will still be able to obtain all the rewards.
And It was kind of expected that the old raids are coming back but I expected them to rework these like what they have done with the siva or taken strikes, but I am glad that the old raid are not changed significantly so we can relive the nostalgia of these raids. They did mentioned that there will be some changes and fixes, probably to all the cheeses in Crota’s end but the overall experience should be the same.
Making the experience more enjoyable by lowering the time with the oracles and pre templar fight and increasing the drop rate is very positive.
I was lucky enough to get the fatebringer on my second or third hard mode session, but I also know some guardians that only got it after like 30 tries and maybe I can finally get my hands on the Vex Mythoclast up until today I still havent got one yet.

So overall I feel this is a very positive update, however there is one thing that they did not mention while earning all of the new gear and that is VAULT SPACE.
There is no news on Vault Space, so I dont know how I will be able to keep all the new stuff if there is no space for it.
There are still 2 more live streams coming up so lets keep our fingers crossed that the vault space will be increased.
As usual I will keep you up to date on all the news, so subscribe to stay notified.
Thanks for watching , leave a like if you enjoyed this video.
And as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

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