Thursday, March 16, 2017

NEW LOOT! Bungie Weekly Rituals Reveal Age of Triumph Update #Destiny

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So the second stream of Bungie has finished and we now know more about the weekly rituals.

Lets start with the loot, there will be new packages for you to earn similar like the treasures of the dawning , this time its named treasures of the ages. And with these packages you will be able to earn all the emotes, shaders, and armor from all the past live events. So if you have not completed your spektar or desolated taken armor yet this will help you complete that set.
And there will also be a new Age of Triumph armor set that you can get from these packages along with new shaders , ships and ornaments.
If you are missing certain items for your collection, for example if you are missing a specific armor piece, you can dismantle the items that you get from these packages for silver dust and you can use that to purchase any missing item from the Silver Dust Kiosk.
If you have enough silver dust you can literally get anything you want in this kiosk, you can use silver dust to trade for amor, ornaments , shaders, masks, sparrows, sparrow horns and emotes. So this is great for the collectors out there, when you are missing a specific piece to complete your collection

The age of triumph will start with a new quest from the speaker, this quest will take you through all the types of activities that destiny has to offer. It begins with the new weekly story playlist, which will replace the daily story quest. This playlist is basically a collection of story mission that are grouped together  from different expansions like a house of wolves playlist or dark below playlist.
Also this new playlist will offer one treasure of ages and you can earn five times per week 20 legendary marks.
This is a good change so you dont need to feel like you need to log in every day to get those legendary marks.

The Challenge of Elders is now confirmed to be added to the new 390 light level , and you will be able to earn 10 legendary marks three times  a week for completing this, as well as a legendary engram once a week.
The Siva Crisis Heroic playlist will continue to earn 10 legendary marks up to three times and you will also get a weekly Treasures of ages.
The crucible daily and weekly activity will be replaced with a Crucible weekly playlist that also offers a treasure of ages and 10 legendary marks upon completion up to three times.
And you will now be able to get two weekly crucible bounties from Lord Shaxx.
So with these changes you can easily earn the legendary mark cap of 200 in one day instead of getting the marks day by day.
This is good for players that still need to get some items from the vendor, but I guess for most players like me , we already bought all the stuff that we need , so I dont see a real need for this, but hey if there is more I will take it, why not.
So per week you can earn up to three Treasures of Ages, so if you are lucky you can get a complete Age of Triumph armor in two weeks if you are not paying for the packages.

At the end of the stream Bungie revealed the new Daybreaker modifier for the nightfall, this is basically the mayhem modifier for Pve where your super will charge much faster.
This will be a lot fun when this modifier is active. Especially when you setup your build to create more orbs, so that you and your fireteam can get supers over and over again.
And Bungie brought back the Blue Flames, for the people that dont know about this. In year one after a completion of the nightfall you will get an experience boost and you will get a blue flame on your guardian that  indicates that the experience boost is active.
So that will encourage players to do the nightfall on Tuesdays so you can take advantage of the experience boost throughout the rest of the week.
So thats the change to the nightfall, the rest remains the same. This Daybreak modifier will only be active once a month , and they are going to spice it up by having this modifier active for six week straight from 18th July to the 22nd of August.

One final thing, if you have watched the stream carefully you will see that there is a clip where 3 titans are all a wearing the Twilight Garrison which are affected by the shaders. So that is cool that this can now change colors as well as this has been a long time request from the players.

So that was the summary of the stream, next week Bungie will reveal new gear, ornaments, and weapons from the updated raids so that will be very existing.

As usual I will keep you up to date on all the news, so subscribe to stay notified.

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