Thursday, September 29, 2016

Guardian Flash News Ep. 2 Raid News [SpoilerFree] & Fast Light Leveling

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Guardian Flash News ep2

Hi Swaye here with guardian Flash news edition number 2. For the newcomers this is a new series to share you the most important news on destiny! Subscribe if you want to be up to date on these videos, and otherwise just enjoy.

Wrath of the Machine raid live! [Spoiler Free]
So the new raid the Wrath of the Machine is live, the recommended light level for the raid is 370 but the first encounter is 350 and it scales all the way up to 380. So you can get away with a light level of at least 350 with entering the raid but you will probably have to rely on higher light level guardians on your way to the raid boss.
If you need a full guide on how to complete the raid I will link a video to KackisHD in the description below, he has an extensive 30 min video where he will talk through the different encounters in the raid. And we just got fresh news on how to get the exotic Raid Pulse Rifle Quest as well , see again the link below obviously that one contains spoilers of the raid.

For me, I am still grinding to get my light level up for the raid and if you are doing the same you might encounter the same situation as I am in where it is hard to progress when you starting to reach level between 340 and 350.

This leads up to my second news topic, how to increase your light level efficiently.
Once you reach between level 340 and 350 it will become harder to progress. From this point on try to farm for Blue engrams as these will help you to bring you up to 350, but once you have hit level 350 go ahead and start playing the Siva crisis heroic strikes. In doing so you can receive 2 blue rewards at the end of the strike which will drop at a higher level up to 365. For some reason this does not work for the Abomination Hive and Winter’s Run strikes so skip these if you encounter them.
And this will help you get to light level 365 as fast as possible.

While leveling up if you are doing the Gjallahorn quest there is an easy way to complete the final mission the Beauty in Delivery. When you arrive in the room where you need to defend the ghost, just stay in the room and hide in the corner after activating the ghost . The enemies will only go into the room one at a time so it is very easy for you to kill them and most of the enemies won’t enter the room at all! So there it is, an easy way to acquire your Gjallahorn!
This trick also works on the Symbol of Honor mid quest mission where you need to defend your ghost in the banner fall map!

Going back to the Raid again this has now been live for less than a week and people already managed to two man the final boss. The Legend Himself SC Slayerage and EpicCookiez finished the final boss only with the two of them in only 13 minutes , I will put a link to the video in the description so you can check this out yourself.
The fact that the final boss can be two manned  gives me hope as it seems that the mechanics are not as restrictive as it is with Oryx, which I have complained about in my Wish List for the Raid video.
The latest news is also that you can just run through walls in one of the raid encounters, I will keep this spoiler free. If you want to know more about this just see the video in the description below.
I am sure that going forward our guardians will find more ways to defeat the raid bosses, until then this has been the Guardian Flash News episode 2.
Let me know in the comments below if I have missed some news, or if you want me to discuss certain topics. Subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos and as always I will see you in the next video Guardians!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Palindrome Review Legendary Hand Cannon

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

The Palindrome Rise of Iron Hand Cannon Review

Hi Swaye here! I am back with another Weapon Review. Thanks for all the support so far, the amount of subscribers I have gained is amazing! So I know you have been enjoying my weapon reviews so far and you can expect many more weapon reviews from the Rise of Iron expansion.
Feel free to subscribe to my channel if this is your first time here or just enjoy the video thats all fine!

So today we are going to review the Rise of Iron Hand cannon the Palindrome! This is a Hand cannon that can be bought from the Crucible Quartermaster or you can get this from crucible drops. But honestly just buy it from the vendor, because the vendor roll is really good.

In this video we will be going through the perks of this gun and afterwards we will compare this with other popular hand cannons. We will finish the video with my final thoughts!

Lets start with the Vendor Roll perks!
It has

Truesight IS
Fast Draw IS
QuickDraw IS
Spray and Play
Rifled Barrel
Casket Mag

The perks on this vendor roll has fantastic synergies. Rifled Barrel pairs up well with Spray and Play to negate the loss in reload speed, and rangefinder will help you win battles over longer distances and Truesight IS is together with Sureshot IS my favorite scope on hand cannons.
In my opinion this is one of the best rolls that you can get on a hand cannon, the god roll depends on your play style, some might prefer Hot swap, icarus or outlaw over spray and play. Personally I would prefer to have either hot swap or icarus over spray and play. Hot swap will help with being more accurate when you change to your secondary or the other way around and icarus helps your aim while being airborne. But any hand cannon with Rifled Barrel and Rangefinder and either the Sureshot IS or Truesight IS is for me a keeper the final perk is just an icing on the cake.
So the Palindrome falls into the mid impact hand cannons archetype together with the popular Eyasluna, Imago Loop and the Iron Banner Finnala’s Peril.
The strengths of this gun is the relatively high aim assist of 70 and a range value of 39. The stability and reload is at an average of 39 as well.
So compared to the popular Eyasluna the Palindrome has a slightly higher range value and much more aim assist than the eyasluna. On the other hand the Eyasluna does have a higher base stability.
As you might know my favorite hand cannon is the Finnala’s Peril, but the Palindrome has now become my new favorite gun. Statswise it outperforms the Finnala’s Peril in Range, Stability and Reload, and there is only 1 point difference in the Aim Assist.
And I believe we will see this gun much more in the crucible due to the outstanding base stats and the nearly perfect god roll that is readily available at the vendor!

So if for some reason you are not satisfied with the vendor roll, what are the perks you will be looking for? I recommend to improve upon the strength of this gun which is the relative high range and aim assist value.
We have talked about this before Range Finder and Rifled barrel are must haves to max out that range value, the slower reload can easily be negated with Hand Cannon reload gauntlets.
Alternatively you can replace rangefinder with other popular choices like Luck in the chamber to make this a 2 headshot kill weapon if luck in the chamber procs for you.
Or you can opt for Hidden Hand to help with your target acquisition.

For the second column I can recommend Outlaw for the quick reload speed or spray and play and
Triple tap is great for pve as this gun only has 9 bullets in the mag.

So to wrap up,  This is a great hand cannon, especially the vendor version which has all the perks you need for a great hand cannon, it has the crucial range perks that you will need and an ok scope.
This is a must buy for those who are unlucky and does not have an eyasluna or finalla’s peril yet with god roll perks. It is really a shame that these two great hand cannon are so hard to get, the eyasluna drop rates seems to be ridiculously low and when it drops you still need to be lucky with the perks, The same thing with the finnala’s peril , this can only be attained from an iron banner event.
So i am thrilled that everyone can now buy a great hand cannon which they can use immediately.
Go spend you legendary marks on this gun right now!

I hope you enjoyed this video.   Thanks for Watching, subscribe if you havent done so yet to stay up to date on my latest video and as always I will see you in the next video Guardians.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Armory new Rise of Iron Exotics update!

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Rise of Iron Armory Update [Spoilers]

Hi Swaye here and today we have a sneak peak at what rise of iron is going to offer us!
For those who do not like spoilers you should stop watching the video now as we will be going through the new exotics that will be available when Rise of Iron drops!

Last warning this is the spoiler section!
So Bungie updated their armory on and a whopping 612 items have been added with the new expansion, most of them are legendary items but it also consist of new Iron Banner bounties, new crucible bounties and new weekly rise of iron bounties.
So it looks like we will be busy with a lot of bounties every week!

But let’s have a look at the new exotics! So most of the exotics we already know. The Trespasser was already available since last week and we have a comeback of the Gjallahorn & Thorn and we already knew there would be an exotic version of the Khvostov.

With the Rise of Iron expansion all classes are getting new extoic Gauntlets and boots! Yes Warlocks you are finally getting your exotic boots!

Let’s start with the boots,  it looks like all of these are focused on having more mobility.

The Hunters are getting the Frost-ee5 Boots which will grant tighter turn radius while sprinting and it will increase your grenade and melees regeneration while sprinting.

Titans are getting the Dunemarchers which increases sprint speed and increases movement speed while aiming and you get tighter turn radius while sprinting.

And the warlocks are getting the transversive steps which makes you move faster while crouching and picking up ammo will automatically reload your weapon. Yeah…. unless there is a mechanic in the raid which requires you to crouch ….  I am not too excited about this one…

As for the gauntlets the hunters are getting an improved and extra skip grenades.

And the Titans are not getting a fashion award with the thagomizers, but what they will get is having the perk Amplify for free and an extra melee charge. The melees are not that great for titans so I feel this is not worth your exotic slot but i guess we will see how that plays out.

And the Warlocks have the Ophidian Aspect for the Voidwalker which improves energy drain , and weapons reloads and are ready very quickly. I can not wait to try this out, I think this will be the go to exotic for void walkers soon in the crucible!

The Voidwalkers are also getting one more exotic helmet called  the Astrocyte Verse which will temporarily increases recovery on blink. I will be interested in testing exactly what this will mean. So stay tuned for that.

As for the exotic weapon we have seen the Nemesis star in trailers before but now we know exactly what the exotic perk is. And the perk is called Strange Gravity which will increase range and accuracy while holding down the trigger as rate of fire decreases and kills grants bonus energy.
Hmm I am wondering whether this buff is really needed as the stability is already relatively high and it also has perfect balance to up that even more.
But I hope to get one as soon as possible so I can create an exotic weapon review on this one for you soon!

So yeah these are the most important exotics that you should know for the expansion. There is really tons of stuff that can not be covered in this video alone. So have a look yourself in the armory, you can find this on or use the Destiny companion app to access the armory.

Thats it for today, Subscribe if you want to stay up to date on my latest videos, and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

Destiny Top 3 Game Breaking Glitches!

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Top 3 Game Breaking Pvp Glitches

Hi Swaye here and today we are going to discuss the top 3 game breaking pvp glitches.
Over the last year we had a couple of game breaking glitches... and it was very frustrating if you were on the receiving end of it since you cant do too much about this.
You dont have worry about being affected by these glitches anymore since these are all fixed now. Remember I will never show or explain how to initiate game breaking glitches, this channel is build to empower guardians and I don’t want to share anything that can be game breaking.
So this video is just for fun to have a look back at these crazy glitches, and again these glitches are all fixed.
So without further ado I present to you the Top 3 Game Breaking Pvp Glitches.
At number 3 we have the Invisible Guardian Glitch. This happened around april 2016, where we received reports from guardians that suddenly got killed in crucible without ever being shot at or having any enemies in their proximity. What happened was that some guardians somehow randomly become invisible to other players. This invisible guardian will not be able to damage anyone with their primary, secondary or heavy weapon, but they are able to use their grenades to do damage others and it also apparently works for supers as well. See here a video from McTension where he is totally invisible to other players and he ended up getting a “We Ran out of Medals” due to this glitch. I will put a link to his video in the description below.
The reason this glitch is in the number 3 spot is because this happens randomly and there is no way to activate this glitch.
Number 2. The Unlimited Shadow Shot Glitch. With the introduction of the Taken King and the new subclasses people found out that you can have unlimited shadow shots when you equip the exotic helmet graviton forfeit and select the Quiver perk in the skill tree.
In order to activate this glitch you will need to have your super up and when you fired off a few shots you simply enter the character screen and then you will have a full super up again when you return to the game where you can continue to fire your shots.
Obviously this is very game breaking and due to this glitch Trials was actually suspended for several weeks until Bungie managed to fix this.
People also have found other use cases for this glitch like traversing the portico section in the raid as you can see in this video. See Lab ‘s channel in the description below where you can find the full video where he crosses the ship maze with the glitch.

The number one spot is reserved for the Unlimited Rocket Glitch. This deserved the number one spot because it can be activated using any class and all you needed for this glitch is a weapon with the cocoon perk and a rocket launcher with Clown Cartridge.
This glitch exploited the clever use of cocoon together with clown cartridge. Clown cartridge allows a chance to grant an extra ammo when you reload a weapon. What people did was they shot with the weapon that has cocoon ,  switch the weapon so that the cocoon perk will reload the gun and this activated clown cartridge granting you heavy ammo. So people actually managed to receive heavy ammo at the start of a crucible round way before heavy ammo spawns, those were really bad times.
I actually captured video footage of this and decided to hold on to this until its fixed and I waited for a moment like this where I can share it with you. Here you can see how I shoot a gun with the cocoon perk activated and when i switch to my rocket launcher, you can see that out of nowhere it generates ammo.
This is super game breaking since it’s very easy to get a gun with cocoon from the raid and as for the rocket launcher ,  people actually used pre-taken king rocket launchers to get this reforged with clown cartridge.
Also here for obvious reasons trails was cancelled for a certain period.

So these are the top 3 game breaking pvp glitches. Since these glitches are fixed we can enjoy this video and have some laughs about it , but in reality when these glitches occur please share this with Bungie especially when it is game breaking. Destiny is an amazing game and we should keep it this way, any glitches that gives players an unfair advantage should not be shared among others than the developers that can fix this for the community.

Drop a like if you enjoyed this video, subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wrath of the Machine Raid Talks (Rise of Iron)

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Thoughts on the new Raid Wrath of the Machine

Hi Swaye here and today we are going to talk about the new upcoming raid The Wrath of the Machine. I will be giving my thoughts on what I hope the new raid will be, but lets first start with what we know so far…

Video Analysis
From the released video footage we know so far that the journey will start at the bottom of the cosmodrome wall where you enter through a big gate like in the vault of glass raid. It could be that you start with a mini fight to open the door or maybe we will start somewhere on the xiva patrol and perform some mechanic to open the door just like in the vault of glass. So the second thing we know so far is that once you are inside there will be a jumping puzzle and it seems like we have a video footage of this where we see guardians jumping up to the top of the wall in a very tight space. The video footage does not really show what the puzzle mechanic will look like so I guess we will find out about this once the raid comes out
OK so once we are at the top of the cosmodrome wall we will encounter what it seems to be the Wrath of the Machine. The boss looks like a huge bulldozer with a wrecking ball moving over the wall and it seems that the raid team need to run away in order not to be crushed by the boss. Judging from the video footage, we see the guardians are firing at what looks like the face of the machine, where it looks like cannons or guns are attached to it , so it seems this might be a weak spot that can be destroyed which can relieve the raid team from some enemy fire while running down the wall.
And this is all the footage we got so far about the raid. I dont believe the fight at the top of the wall would actually be the final fight since the designer mentions the following at the end of the raid footage………..
It is something emotionally powerful about going in on a journey reaching the top of a mountain and crashing back down confined once again, This make me believe that the boss encounter on the top of the wall might be just a first encounter and that we escape from the wall to face the boss later on the journey of the raid, the last couple seconds of the video shows the guardians what believed to be at the bottom of the wall and then they enter a gate that looks like its from somewhere within the warmind.
So it seems that the boss fight might actually take place in the warmind instead, I guess we'll find out about this soon enough when the raid comes out.

My Thoughts
That is so far my analysis of the video footage, let me give you my thoughts on what I like to see in the new raid. So far the three different raids we experienced were all very different, the Vault of Glass is still my favorite raid so far, I love the beginning of the raid where people on patrol could actually help out with opening the door. And I like the dynamic of the boss fights where everyone need to move around at all the time and there is just a good pace in the journey of the raid, except for the Gorgon Maze. It is still  a pain if you go through this maze with a pick up group as you will need all six members of your fireteam not to be caught by the gorgons, and sometimes it is just very frustrating if everyone tries their best but still get caught by the gorgons. And then you will see people slowly leaving the group and that is a shame, it really brings down the pace of the raid. That is why you will see a lot people simply backing down after the gatekeeper encounter because they simple do not want to go through the frustration of the gorgon maze.
The pace of the raid was better with Crota’s End, there is no frustrating part like the Gorgons Maze and generally it flows very well up to the crota encounter.
And that is what I hope the new raid will have…. a good pace, where each encounter builds up the tension for the next encounter without a section that can cause a lot of frustration if one team member mess it up. Let me give you an example what I think the designer have done well in the Oryx raid, for example  the Ship jumping puzzle requires teamwork but the team wont wipe if one team members did not make the jump the same goes for the bouncing wall puzzle after the golgoroth fight, it is actually really funny to see the last guy making their way up to the cave entrance and then to see this person getting smashed by the last pillar. This is a fun section of the raid which allows for the team to ease down and relax a bit before the next fight.
So I hope the next raid will have these fun puzzles or sections towards the final boss.
Next I want the raid mechanics to be less restrictive, let me give you an example... when you are doing the Oryx raid you will have to follow certain procedures in order for you to be able to damage the boss, and most of the time each person will be assigned to do a specific task like standing on a certain plate, be the floater or to be the runner etc. and most of the time if one person dies it is nearly impossible to continue the run and it will be better just to wipe and try it again.
If there is one thing that the Oryx raid has taught us is that there is no hope! If 1 person dies the whole plan will fall apart , especially when you are doing hard mode. I want the new raid to have less restrictive mechanics so that fireteams have more freedom and not to feel like a slave that need to follow certain steps in order to face a boss.
And I hope the raid will be more forgiving, I dont want players to feel like they need to wipe if they lose a team member. First of all it put an awful lot of pressure on every team member to perform well and not to die, which is obviously the objective not to die and kill the boss but what I am afraid of is that this pressure becomes too much and this will scare away players from doing the raid. I know some players have never played any raid in destiny before or stopped playing raids because they dont want to be yelled at if they don’t know what to do or if they die by accident. And this is a big shame because all of the raid so far are a lot of fun and you will get a sense of accomplishment when you manage to kill the final boss with you team!
So the game need to feel there is still hope when you lose a team member.

So that is what I hope the new raid will bring, a good pace with some fun moments in the middle of the journey, less restrictive mechanics so guardians will have more freedom on how to finish the raid and be a bit more forgiving, basically bring back the hope in the game so that more clutch moments can happen during the raid.

Let me know what you are hoping for with the new raid, what do you want to see and what are your expectations? If we get enough responses I will make a separate video to discuss about your questions and comments. If you are new to this channel you can subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos, there will be tons of new videos coming out soon when the Rise of Iron launches, you can expect my in depth weapon review videos to be back when I get my hands on the new guns, so subscribe if you want to stay up to date on that.
Thanks for watching and I will see you again in the next video!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Guardian Flash News Ep. 1 Custom Matches are live now!

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Best Memory of Felwinter Builds (Hunter and Warlock)

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Best Memory of Felwinter Builds (Hunter and Warlock)

Hi Swaye here and today we are going to talk about the best build for your hunter and warlock when you are using the Memory of Felwinter artifact. For those who are not familiar with this ….. the Memory of felwinter is the artifact that is introduced in the Rise of Iron expansion which will give you an extra grenade and melee and boost to all stats while losing your super.
Have a look at my Best Artifact video where I break down all artifacts and explain you why the Memory of felwinter is in my opinion the best artifact of all.

With this artifact you can ignore some exotic armour that are focused on your super or those that give you an extra grenade or melee and certain subclass perks can be replaced with others that will make your build even more effective. As you might have noticed in the title we will only focus on hunters and warlock, this is not because I dont have any love for titans. Believe me I like titans and I have one myself, I just don’t believe gaining an additional grenade and melee is worth sacrificing the super for titans, as first of all their supers are really good and second of all the neutral game is much better for hunters and warlocks that can benefit this artifact more than titans, so thats why I leave out titans in this video.

Before we dive into the builds I have an extra pro-tip which I will show you at the end of the video so stick with me until the end!
Ok let’s start with the hunter, more specifically we will first focus on the nightstalker and then the gunslinger as the nightstalker has arguable one of the best neutral game out of the three subclasses. When we look at the perk options It has fantastic manoeuvrability options with Shadestep and Better control, which can be enhanced with Bones of Eao AND the Grenade and Melee options are great as well.  Especially the famous wombo combo where you throw a smoke to trap the guardian followed up by grenade is very effective.
So having the Memory of Felwinter means that we do not have to use the Sealed Ahamkara Grasps which will give you an additional melee charge and this opens up the possibility to use the other popular exotics like the Graviton Forfeit or Bones of eao.
So with the artifact build I recommend to build on the standard Pvp Nightstalker build with Envenomed and vortex grenades, to keep your wombo combo’s up at all times. And I would opt for Better Control with Bones of Eao and Shadestep for the extra mobility. Alternatively you can  use Graviton Forfeit for shadestep and use Keen scout instead for the extra radar awareness, whatever you value the most ….mobility or extra awareness.

As for the Gunslinger losing the Golden Gun is a big issue, as this one of the most effective and easy to use super. You just point and shoot. But if we look at the double grenade and melees that you get from the artifact this will open up interesting options that can be very interesting for a slayer type of player. You can opt for Chain of Woe to increase the reload speed after a precision kill and incendiary blade to make your throwing knives even more deadly, and NOW for the interesting part of the build is the choice of swarm grenade and scavenger. I am not recommending tripmine grenades since these are now less useful since the nerf and without the exotic young ahamkara’s spine the duration is in my opinion too short to make them useful.
And imagine double swarm grenades chasing after an enemy, these will be the next big thing with this artifact, and scavenger compliments the slayer build very well as killing an enemy now not only grants you chain of woe but it probably will also drop ammo which can get your melees and grenades ready for your next encounter and this will help your maintain your killing streak.  As for the exotic choice , because tripmines are not used there is no need for the young ahamkara’s spine and thus the bones of eao is a no-brainer to give the gunslinger an extra mobility boost.

As for the warlock the sunsinger is a no-brainer choice to be paired up with the memory of felwinter artifact, having double grenades means you dont have to sacrifice gift of the sun anymore and you can choose touch of flame which pairs very well with viking funeral and having double Flame shield available means that that you will definitely have the upper hand when it comes to melee battles. As for grenades I moved over to fusion grenades since the nerf of firebolts, fusion are actually working really well  when you have a shotgunner rushing at you, due to the stickiness of the grenade it is very easy to have these sticked to your enemy when he is rushing you.
As you will be holding on to your super you definitely want to pair your build with the exotic weapon Thaloc, which is in the neutral state a mediocre scout rifle but with the exotic perk overflow active this becomes a beast of a weapon with better handling , rate of fire and stability when the super is charged.
And as for the exotic armor choice I recommend to go for the Ram for a more tankier build alternatively Voidfang Vestments can be useful as well which will let you respawn with full grenade energy.

So these are my recommended build with the Memory of Felwinter , as for the extra pro-tip. When you are working on your Intellect, discipline and strength build keep in mind to pair this with your Helmet perks which can be easily overlooked.
Each Helmet can roll with extra bonus grenade or melee energy when you pick up an orb of light which can complement your current intellect, discipline and strength allocation.
You can either choose to boost your current tier build even more or make up for one of the areas in where its lacking.

So these are my suggestions for using the Memory of Felwinter artifact, let me know how this works for you, thanks for watching, subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos and as always I will you in the next video guardians!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

I am Resetting & Tips on how to level up to L40 asap!

Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!

Swayegaming Reset!

Hi Swaye here and I am going to reset! As you might know because of the Rise of Iron expansion I needed to leave behind my ps3 and I got myself a new ps4. I actually managed to get the Destiny Taken King PS4 edition which was the last one available in the store. I have to say it looks very nice in white! So since I got a new playstation I thought lets make also a new psn account that reflects more my YouTube Channel and to my surprise Swayegaming was available as a PSN name!
So in this video I want to talk about Reset and how I experienced this and I will give you some tips on how to level up as fast as possible if you are doing a reset as well of if you are a new to the game

Too be honest I was very nervous to start all over again as on my current account I have invested a lot of time and energy to collect almost all of the exotics and raid weapons, and I also managed to get some amazing guns with god like perks so I wasnt too fond of letting those go.
But once I started with a new character from scratch and I slowly leveled this up again I really notice that I really appreciate my old account where I have all of those amazing guns to help me with the game. For every weekly reset depending on the modifiers I would have a certain build for every scenario, for example when a week has arc burn and small arms I would bring out the Zhalo Supercell on my Stormcaller.
So when I started with my reset I was anxious to earn back the good guns that had before, and while progressing…. I was excited again about every new drop that I get from an activity. Normally I wouldnt care about a blue drop and I would immediately  turn them into weapon or armor parts without even looking at the stats or perks. But when you start all over again .. every new drop is interesting and I was also making new friends on LFG who were also trying to level up their characters to do their first nightfalls and raids.
And thats it…. the game felt refreshing again, there are times in the crucible where I am like damn I miss my Finnala’s Peril with Rangefinder but I have to stick with what I have and that forced me to adjust my playstyle to the best gun that I have at the moment, and in the past weeks my playstyle has changed a lot because I was adjusting it to the different guns that i found in the game. Otherwise on my old account I would have probably sticked most of the time with my favorite build unless when I am testing different weapons or builds.
So yeah the reset is very refreshing so far, I am not saying go reset as well. All I am saying is if somehow you are forced to reset due to a bug or you accidentally deleted your account dont be afraid to start all over again, you just start again from the beginning and you will slowly grind your way back up.

Since I have done a reset let me share you some tips on how to level up. First of all if you have purchased the taken king you should have a spark of light that can immediately level you up to level 25! From there on I like to focus on the crucible as this can give you way more xp than the mission stories, you can get 70 xp for every kill or assist and finishing a match will give you 2200 xp in comparison to roughly 1000 to 1500 xp in story missions. In addition to that you should also use the crucible booster from sterling packages which will probably boost your xp up tp around 3500 per match. Also do not forget to stock up on the bounties as these will also give you extra xp to level your guns and subclasses.
And once you have reached level 20 you can also equip the exotic class item that you have received from the taken king, this will level up your taken king subclass 25% faster, so thats the sunbreaker, stormcaller and nightstalker and your level increases 10% faster as well. So you dont have to stick with your taken king subclass
Or you can also wait until the rise of iron launches because during the launch every player will also receive a spark of light kind of package which will immediately level you up to level 40!

So to sum it up, use the spark of light. If you dont have one, focus on the crucible with the crucible boosters from the sterling packages and when you are level 20 wear the exotic class item to give you another 10% xp boost and finish your bounties, do that and you will get to level 40 in a around 3 days.

So yeah I am trying to get to max light level now, if you want to help me get to max level feel  free to add me on ps4 my psn is Swayegaming and lets hang out together.

That’s it for today’s,Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video! See you later guardians

And I guess this is also the mindset we should have when you encounter a reset in real life.
When I graduated and I needed to find a job and start a new life I was very nervous, I needed to move to a different place for work and start a new life in a city that I dont know. It was hard in the beginning, i felt very lonely, it also didnt help that I dont know anything about the work or city, but slowly I am grinding my way up. I feel more comfortable at work and I made new friends and everything did not turn out to be as bad as I thought it would be.
So maybe a reset happened to you as well, maybe you are moving schools and you have to start making new friends , or you lost your job or loved one yeah it sucks in the beginning but you will need to reset and grind your way back up, because otherwise if you do not move on your will always stay at the same level that you are, in destiny that is a level 0 guardian.
I think this video got a bit too philosophical , all I am saying is a reset can be very refreshing and coming back to destiny I am working my way back up again to max level. If you want to help me get to max level feel free to add me on ps4 my psn is Swayegaming and lets hang out together.

That’s it for today’s, let me know whether you liked this video, currently I am experimenting a bit by making my videos more personal. Let me know if you want to hear more from me. Thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video! See you later guardians