Monday, March 27, 2017

Latest News for the Age of Triumph, New Armor, Elemental Primaries and Rotating Vendor Rolls

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Hi guardians the Age of Triumph is upon us and all the information regarding this event has now been released over the three streams that Bungie revealed in the past weeks.

To sum it up there will be a new record book called Age of Triumph with a lot of new emblems that you can earn for all kind of activities, and this record book is said to be a celebration for all the different players out there so it doesnt matter whether you only play Pvp or PVE or that you are a collector of ships or shaders there will be cool emblems to earn for each type of player.
The second stream confirmed that the old raids will be brought back and the final stream showcased all the different loot that you can earn from the revised raids.
You will be able to earn new armor from the different raids, and these armor are truly raid armor. They are flashy , and have different special effects and a lot of details, like when you get shot all the lights will retract and come back after a few seconds. These are truly trophees from beating the hardest activities in the game. Props to bungie for making such an awesome looking armor.
So not only can you earn new armor ,but you will be able to earn weapons as well.
All of the old raid weapons will be brought back to current light levels with a small twist. The legendary versions of the primaries will not have their elemental damage instead you can earn an adept exotic version that will have the elemental damage. So you will have a Legendary Fatebringer without the arc damage but there is also an adept Fatebringer with the arc burn but that will cost you an exotic slot.
So all Raid primaries will now have an adept versions with an elemental damage, the elemental damages wont change for all the Vault of Glass and Crota’s End weapons, so Fatebringer will still have arc, Vision of Confluence solar and atheon’s epilogue will still be void, so that means that the kings fall and wrath of the machine primaries will have an elemental damage added to their adept versions. So for now we know that the kings fall scout rifle doom of chechis and the hand cannon zaouli’s bane will be having void damage and  we will find out soon what the elemental damages will be for the remaining primaries.
The exotic versions can only be obtained during the challenge mode version of the raid that will rotate on a weekly basis.  
There is one raid weapon that  will not be making a comeback and that is the black hammer, bungie’s take on it is that the black spindle replaces the black hammer so there is no need to bring back the black hammer as we have one already in an exotic form.

There is also exciting news happening in the tower, all of the vendor weapons and armor will now have weekly rotating perks. So if you havent got the vendor roll Palindrome or Wormwood yet go get them now because you might lose out on these near god rolls. Have a look at my Palindrome and Wormwood weapon review where I explain more in depth why the vendor roll is so good.
Personally I will be waiting for a god roll Bitter Edge Dead orbit sniper this is basically a Weyloran's march from previous iron banner with one of the highest aim assist but low impact sniper in the game, and I can recommend the Something Wicked Rocket launcher as well. This Rocker launcher with the right perks can become the best legendary rocket launcher in the game, I was lucky enough to get a God Roll dropped in the crucible with a nearly maxed out blast radius and velocity, see also my review video which can be found as a YouTube card in the right hand corner.

There are some sandbox and balance changes that will be in effect when Age of Triumph drops:
Autorifles will become a bit more effective at long range and have a shallower damage fall off curve. And Hand cannons will receive a range nerf of around 3 meters.
The Astrocyte  Verse helmet from the warlock is getting a recovery buff from plus 3 to plus 7 and health regen perks will now give a bigger portion of your health back at 57 before this it was a 36 health bump.
The No land beyond has its flinch added so it will behave like any other sniper now, and they fix the special ammo crates so that it behaves like heavy where the ammo will be reloaded automatically in the gun, this is a good change and it will definitely help speed up the game a bit where you dont need to reload anymore after picking up special and you can immediately pick up the action with your special weapon.
Sidearms have their ammo fixed so it will only respawn with one clip of ammo ,so that means you can no longer hoard any sidearm ammo anymore.

Those are all the things you need to know for the Age of Triumph , go enjoy this last update from Bungie before Destiny 2 drops!
And yes I did mention Destiny 2, if you are not aware of this yet. There has been some leaks around Destiny 2. What we know so far is that this will launch early september and there will be a beta coming out as well. So it is very exciting that Destiny 2 is around the corner it is essentially only 5 months out from now, so I am very excited about this and we probably will hear more about this during the E3 game conference.

So that sums it up for this video, A like is appreciated if you enjoyed this.
Don’t forget to subscribe if you want more Destiny content, tips & tricks and review videos, and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

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