Friday, March 18, 2016

Destiny TTK: Taken Shader Bungie update 2.2.0

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Swaye here with a destiny video. Bungie sent us an exciting news about the upcoming April update. We will have new PVE challenges , new and updated gear, new quest called that is called the Blighted Chalice Strike, Crucible update hopefully with some new maps and the maxed Light level will be increased.

With the 2.2.0 update, Bungie also revealed a very interesting picture where it seems that our guardians have been TAKEN. Could this be a Taken shader that can be earned with the new content or new strike, since…. Bungie did mention there will be new gear that can be earned. Will we have new taken gear?!
Firstly lets take a look at this picture, doesnt it look familiar? Yes indeed, this is the Prison of elder gear back in Destiny House of Wolves expansion but it seems that there is a TAKEN shader that makes it look like the guardians are TAKEN.

People have been asking me “Swaye do you this can be a Taken Shader”?
Well let me give you my opinion. I dont want to disappoint people but based on the picture that we have right now, I do not think this is a shader.
Hear me out, when you look at the picture you will see that there are like dark black flames surrounding the head of the guardians. Traditionally shaders in destiny only changes the color pallets of the gear, there are no shaders that adds flame like features like the one in the picture. Of Course it could be that bungie redesigned their shaders that would allow this, but that would be a significant investment for 1 shader. It is very unlikely that Bungie is spending resources on this , while there are bigger issues they should be focusing on. Like destiny 2 or CUSTOM games! Please Bungie add custom games!

So ok, if this is not a TAKEN shader then what is this?
Well since the gear is from the prison of elders I think Bungie is revamping this in the april update, it might be that bungie continues the queens story and somehow the Taken has taken over the prison of elders.
I believe we will get extra mission or end boss where there is a mechanic that makes you a TAKEN guardian. We have seen this mechanic before like being torn in the Kings Fall raid or have the Devouring Essence debuff during the skolas fight.

So yeah, how cool it might be I dont think this is a TAken shader, but I hope I am wrong because this looks badass!

Well let me know what you think, do you think this might be a taken shader? What are you excited about the april update? Let me know in the comments below, and as always subscribe for more video. And I will see you later guardians

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