Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Destiny TTK: Finnala's Peril Review Iron Banner Hand Cannon (God Roll)

Swaye Gaming YouTube Channel
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Swaye here with a Destiny video. Today we are going to talk about the Iron Banner Hand Cannon  Finnala's Peril. The description says:
A personal firearm, forged in fire by the Lords of the Iron Banner.

You can get this dropped by a rank 5 Iron Banner package, or by playing Iron Banner when one of your character is at least rank 3 when this Hand Cannon is available from Lord Saladin.

The base stats of this gun shows an high impact, which make this gun similar like the popular Hawkmoon, Aces of Spades, Imago loop and Eyasluna. The stability, range and reload time is in the middle of the pack which makes this gun very flexible and you can mold the gun anyway you want.

My Finnala's Peril has Sureshot IS with the superb target acquisition, rangefinder for that extra range, and reinforced barrel to increase the range at the expense of stability and we have grenadier as the last perk. I am very lucky with this drop and I will let you know why later in this video.

First lets talk about the Hand Cannon metta. Hand cannons at the moment are not as good as before. The stability and range of hand cannons are lower than what it used to be and other gun types like auto rifles and pulse rifles, at the same range, are much easier to use and more forgiven than a hand cannon. Also the low amount of ammo further decreases the relevancy of hand cannons in PVE activities. As for PvP the low magazine size forces you to reload very often and you can rarely get two kills without having to reload your gun and this make hand cannons at a disadvantage when you are playing 6v6 game modes, where you simply do not have enough bullets in the mag to fight against multiple enemies.

However with the right perks you can make this hand cannon do work! This is a 3 shot kill weapon if you hit at least 2 headshots (tbc). You will want to make every bullet count by making your shots as effective as possible by increasing the range and aim assist of this gun. You will be looking for perks like rangefinder and reinforced barrel to fully max out the range, also sureshot or trueshot IS and hidden hand will also help landing your shots. Normally I would opt for stability perks but since the rate of fire is relatively slow you wont need that at all. Also I want to note that the Aim Assist of this hand cannon is the highest within its impact class, so thats the hawkmoon, aces of spades, imago loop and eyasluna.

My Finnala's Peril with rangefinder and reinforced barrel has an insane high range stat which is even higher than the best hand canons at the moment now like the Aces of Spades, HawkMoon and the First curse.   This makes the gun VERY effective at medium to long range. This gun can compete with a scout rifle as long as your are accurate with your shots. At the furthest range you can still 3 shot guardians if at least 2 of those shots are headshots (do testing in crucible).

This gun feels very reliable and it feel light and snappy. If you liked hand cannons in year 1 I am sure you will like this gun. If you want to use a hand cannon other than the dominating hawkmoon , with the right perks this is the gun for you.
Personally I am a fan of hand cannons and I love playing with them and this is my favorite year 2 hand cannon without a doubt, the handling is smooth and the range is just amazing for a hand cannon. I just really hope that this gun comes back to Iron Banner soon so that you guys can get your hands on one as well and experience this yourself.

This was my review of the Iron Banner hand cannon Finnala's Peril. Let me know whether you have one as well and what perks you got on it, subscribe for more videos and I see you next time guardians.

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