Monday, September 19, 2016

Armory new Rise of Iron Exotics update!

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Rise of Iron Armory Update [Spoilers]

Hi Swaye here and today we have a sneak peak at what rise of iron is going to offer us!
For those who do not like spoilers you should stop watching the video now as we will be going through the new exotics that will be available when Rise of Iron drops!

Last warning this is the spoiler section!
So Bungie updated their armory on and a whopping 612 items have been added with the new expansion, most of them are legendary items but it also consist of new Iron Banner bounties, new crucible bounties and new weekly rise of iron bounties.
So it looks like we will be busy with a lot of bounties every week!

But let’s have a look at the new exotics! So most of the exotics we already know. The Trespasser was already available since last week and we have a comeback of the Gjallahorn & Thorn and we already knew there would be an exotic version of the Khvostov.

With the Rise of Iron expansion all classes are getting new extoic Gauntlets and boots! Yes Warlocks you are finally getting your exotic boots!

Let’s start with the boots,  it looks like all of these are focused on having more mobility.

The Hunters are getting the Frost-ee5 Boots which will grant tighter turn radius while sprinting and it will increase your grenade and melees regeneration while sprinting.

Titans are getting the Dunemarchers which increases sprint speed and increases movement speed while aiming and you get tighter turn radius while sprinting.

And the warlocks are getting the transversive steps which makes you move faster while crouching and picking up ammo will automatically reload your weapon. Yeah…. unless there is a mechanic in the raid which requires you to crouch ….  I am not too excited about this one…

As for the gauntlets the hunters are getting an improved and extra skip grenades.

And the Titans are not getting a fashion award with the thagomizers, but what they will get is having the perk Amplify for free and an extra melee charge. The melees are not that great for titans so I feel this is not worth your exotic slot but i guess we will see how that plays out.

And the Warlocks have the Ophidian Aspect for the Voidwalker which improves energy drain , and weapons reloads and are ready very quickly. I can not wait to try this out, I think this will be the go to exotic for void walkers soon in the crucible!

The Voidwalkers are also getting one more exotic helmet called  the Astrocyte Verse which will temporarily increases recovery on blink. I will be interested in testing exactly what this will mean. So stay tuned for that.

As for the exotic weapon we have seen the Nemesis star in trailers before but now we know exactly what the exotic perk is. And the perk is called Strange Gravity which will increase range and accuracy while holding down the trigger as rate of fire decreases and kills grants bonus energy.
Hmm I am wondering whether this buff is really needed as the stability is already relatively high and it also has perfect balance to up that even more.
But I hope to get one as soon as possible so I can create an exotic weapon review on this one for you soon!

So yeah these are the most important exotics that you should know for the expansion. There is really tons of stuff that can not be covered in this video alone. So have a look yourself in the armory, you can find this on or use the Destiny companion app to access the armory.

Thats it for today, Subscribe if you want to stay up to date on my latest videos, and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

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