Thursday, May 19, 2016

Destiny: How to use Fusion Rifles Correctly

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How to snipe with a Fusion Rifle
Swaye here with a destiny video! Today I am going to present to you an indepth guide on how to use fusion rifles correctly and we are going to have a look into what makes a good fusion rifle. Also I will share with you a technique how you can Snipe with a Fusion Rifle so stay with me until the end of the video! This guide will be mainly focused on pvp as it is much more tricky to have kills with a fusion rifle in pvp than in pve.

Fusion Rifle Weapon Hierarchy
First of all how does Fusion Rifles fit in the meta. Well Jon Weisnewski, Bungie’s SandBox Designer who was responsible for the weapon tuning 2.0 update mentioned the state of Fusion Rifles in the weapon hierarchy.
Jon mentioned that Fusion rifles are optimal at mid-range, where targets are easier to track but they are not close enough to attack while charging up.
It requires combat foresight and the ability to predict a target's movement to use effectively.

  • Fusion Rifles are optimal at mid-range, where targets are easier to track but they’re not close enough to attack while charging up
  • Requires combat foresight and the ability to predict a target’s movement to use successfully
  • Accentuate close range/medium range effectiveness by tuning charge speed and stability

So basically when you are using a fusion rifle you have to stay out of the range of shotguns but also not too far away where your bolts will not be effective.
You will probably lose when you are competing head on head with a shotgun as shotguns are a hitscan weapon. What this means is …. that when a shotgun is fired it will instantly hit whatever the reticle is pointing at, this in contrast with Fusion Rifles which fire projectiles that take time to travel. A rocket launcher would be a good example of a non hitscan weapons.
So you will need to stay out of shotgun range, but you also cant let your enemies stay too far away or else you wont be able to kill them.
When using with fusion rifles you will need to be very aware of the space between you and the enemy. With practise you will learn what is the best engagement distance.

We have some good news though which is that with the latest April update the stability has been increased for Fusion Rifles. In the next section I will explain why stability is beneficial and how that affect fusion rifles.

Stability & Range
Now we know in what kind of range we are operating in lets talk about the technicalities of a Fusion Rifle, we will be specifically be talking about Stability and Range and how this affect the gun.
In order to get the most out of your fusion rifle you want to have high stability that will help with keeping the fusion bolts group together, and secondly you want an high range stat as this will help the bolts travel longer distances so it will land more reliably on your target.
You can also say that Stability helps tighten the bolts and range helps with carrying the damage over a certain distance.

Movement Techniques
Ok now we have covered the theory, lets put this all in practise.
There are a couple of techniques that I want to share with you.
The first obvious technique is to charge behind cover and pop out at the last second. This technique is probably not a surprise to most of the players, This might work the first time, but more advanced players can easily adapt to this. So therefore I have the following Advanced Techniques for you:

Vertical Space,
Because of the charge time you will need to find a way to surprise your enemies. One way to do that is to be unpredictable with your movements by utilizing the vertical space that you have. Try to approach your enemies  from the air and then finish them off with a follow up melee or grenade.
Other way to utilize your vertical space is sliding.
Sliding makes you hard to kill and track and this movement also fits very well with a fusion rifle. Because you can charge while you are sliding especially with quick charging fusions, your shot will be synced while you are exiting from your slide animation when you do this correctly. With this technique you can close the gap or increase the distance if that is the space that you need in that specific situation. You will have control of your spacing and your enemy will be having a hard time to track you.
Jumping and sliding  can give  you a slight advantage in your 1 on 1 engagements by utilizing the element of surprise.

Drag Scoping/ Fusion Sniping
I want to talk to you about Drag Scoping, this term is widely used with Snipers where you scope in and drag your scope towards your target to get the kill. Why am I talking about this. Well most fusion rifles have vertical recoil patterns. As a result most fusion rifle users tries to aim for the feet and let the recoil go up to hit the other body parts.
What most people dont know is that you can also Drag Scope with Fusion to increase your accuracy!
When you drag scope a fusion rifle you can keep the bolts tighter together and increasing your chance for a one hit kill. Since the recoil is upwards , while firing you simply need to pull the gun slightly downwards to keep the bolts together. And this technique works for any fusion rifles regardless of the stability stat.
You might need to practise this a bit before you can consistently do this, but once you mastered this technique you will be able to one shot  guardians from ridiculous ranges!
Basically this technique turns Fusion Rifles into Snipers!
I hope this technique will help you bring back some fun with Fusion Rifles and make this gun type more enjoyable!
Go try out Fusion Sniping in the crucible you will have a blast!

If you are wondering what the Best Pvp Fusion Rifles are that you can easily can obtain , go ahead and see my other video where I introduce you the Top 3 Best Pvp Fusion Rifles in the game.

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