Thursday, August 10, 2017

How and Why you Should get Year 1 weapons in Destiny

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How and Why you Should get Year 1 weapons in Destiny

Hi Guardians, With Destiny 2 coming out there will be a couple of events ending in Destiny 1 and that is the end of Iron Banner and the Trials of Osiris. Unless you play raids or nightfalls without Iron Banner and Trials there is basically no need anymore to be max light level in Pvp. Iron Banner and Trials were the only light enabled activities in the crucible.

So this is the perfect time to grind for year 1 weapons. Year 1 weapons were not viable before because it would drag your light level down for Trials or Iron Banner. But without these activities there will be use again for year 1 weapons.
These year 1 weapons have one benefit in comparison to weapons from year 2 or 3 and that is the fact that you can reroll them.
If you don't like the roll you have on a particular gun you can simply reroll the weapon at the gunsmith until you have the God Roll that you are looking for.
So you only need to have the weapon dropped once so you can reroll it to your liking, unlike in year 2 or year 3 where you need the weapon to drop multiple times until you have a roll that you are happy with.

So how do you get year 1 weapons? By Playing the prison of elders level 28. Complete the 5 rounds and at the end in the treasure room you will be guaranteed with a year 1 drop , which can be a weapon or an armor. Wait until the end screen once you finished the activity because additional year 1 weapons or armors can be dropped from there as well.

Prison of elders level 28 is a walk in the park nowadays if you are light level 400, if you are not at max light level yet don't worry this activity has matchmaking so you can complete this in a group if needed.
Normally it takes around 15 minutes to get to the treasure room, so it does not take up to much of your time. And as mentioned before you only need a certain gun to drop once and there is basically no need anymore to grind prison of elders if you have the gun you want since you can just reroll the gun to your liking.

Now what are the guns that you will be looking for.

The Her Benevolence sniper rifle, this is a great sniper in the popular 31 impact archetype like the 1000 Yard stare, LDR and Longbow. If you don't have a god roll sniper yet then this is your best bet on getting a good sniper. All the pro's have one, and you probably have a better chance on getting a god roll sniper by rerolling the Her Benevolence than hoping to get the perfect roll dropped on your 1000 yard stare , LDR or Longbow.
When you get an Her Benevolence dropped you will be looking to re roll this with Shortgaze, Hidden Hand, Quickdraw and Performance bonus.
ShortGaze and hidden hand helps with boosting the aim assistance to its max and quickdraw is necessary for those fast snipes and performance bonus helps you with your ammo economy by granting you a chance on bonus reserve ammo when you get a kill. This is definitely necessary after the ammo nerf on special weapons.

High Road Soldier
If scouts are your thing than you should get the high road soldier, this sits in the same archetype as the Mida Multi Tool. Get Full auto , Braced Frame and Hidden hand on it for that Mida feel.
If you prefer the higher hitting scout rifles than go for the Queen's Scout. Also here I recommend the same roll, with full auto, braced Frame and hidden hand

The Queen's auto rifle Her Right Hand is also a great year 1 weapon. Get this with Crowd Control , Rifled Barrel and Counterbalance. Crowd control keep you as lethal as possible for the next kill by giving you a damage boost after a kill, Rifled Barrel pushes the range further than normal and Counterbalance helps you manage the recoil.
With this roll you will have a great time if you like to use auto rifles.

For Pulses go for the Aegis of the Kell if you like the fast firing guns like the hawksaw and PDX-45, and if you like the Hopscotch pilgrim archetype then go for the Queen's Pulse Rifle Payment VI. Get this with Rodeo , Braced Frame and Counterbalance to optimize the stability and you will have a laser pulse.

As for Hand Cannons get the Loner Rebel, this will not be able to hit the max range cap of 62, but you can roll it with anything you want, so why not make it the most gimmicky gun?
I rolled mine with Final Round, Rifled Barrel and Luck in the Chamber for that fun lucky roll build! Having only 8 rounds in the mag means that the chance on having that luck in the chamber proc is pretty good and I am also guaranteed with that extra damage boost from final round. So this gun has potentially two lucky bullets.

As for my last recommendation, if you don't have a good rocket launcher yet go for the Dreamwaker. This is a great rocket launcher for Pvp, you can maximize the blast radius to a 100 and have tripod to carry three rockets and have Grenades and Horseshoes.
Go for the roll Aggressive or Hard Launch, Tripod, Heavy Payload to max out the blast radius or have a more balanced roll with Javelin to up the velocity, and of course Grenades and Horseshoes.

So those are my year 1 weapon recommendations. Go out there have fun, and let me know how you like the guns.

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