Thursday, August 17, 2017

5 GUNS to use Before Destiny 2 Launches!

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5 Guns to use Before Destiny 2 Launches!

Hi Guardians, the launch of destiny 2 is coming closer and most of the guardians are finishing their last activities to complete their record books or to complete their collection whether that is weapons, armors or ships. Or you are just like me that just can't get enough with the game, anyways once Destiny 2 launches in September the majority of the current player base will move to Destiny 2.
But before you do so , try out these 5 guns that you don't see that often in the game. I have a top 5 list of guns that you should be using before Destiny 2 launches. These guns are not that popular due to their rarity or simply because the meta has shifted. But they are still fun to use and still pretty effective in the crucible.

Queenbreaker's Bow
In the number 5 spot we have the queenbreaker's bow. For those who are not familiar with this gun, this is officially a fusion rifle but it is actually a Fusion Sniper Rifle. So it has the potential to one shot headshot a guardian but as with other fusion rifles there is a charge time that goes with it. As a result this is a weapon that requires you to go down the learning curve in order to be effective with it.
When you use this gun make sure to choose the Combat sights and Send it for the optimal perk loadout where you have a faster charge rate and maximum range and accuracy.
You can have a chance on a queenbreaker's bow drop by completing the prison of elders or challenge of elders or by decrypting a Special weapon engram. I got mine from a decrypting a legacy special weapon engram.

Lord of Wolves
In the number 4 spot we have another Prison of Elders exotic the Lord or Wolves. This is also a gun that sits in a weird spot, it is officially a shotgun but it shoots in bursts. It does not out range your typical matador or partycrasher but it is insanely fun to burst down your opponent with this shotgun. Due to the burst mechanic it is almost a guaranteed kill when you shoot the gun within its short effective range in Pvp.
And with solar burn this gun melts captains in Pve!
Use Linear compensator to max out the pitiful range and you will need extended mag since this gun burns through its ammo very quickly.

The next one up is the scout rifle Angel's Advocate. Within the current meta there is a lot of viable weapons, obviously there is the popular hand cannon, but the fast firing auto rifles and pulses are very common as well. However you still don't see scout rifles being used that often in the crucible. Occasionally you see the Mida Multi Tool but only every now and then you see this beauty the Angel's Advocate. This is basically a mini mida, it sits in the same archetype and this is a great legendary replacement for your Mida. As for perks you will be looking for outlaw, and third eye for that mida feel.

In the second place we have the King of the Fusion rifles the Saladin's Vigil. If you were ever killed by a fusion rifle, there is a high probability that it was done with the Saladin's Vigil. Thisl is the most reliable fusion rifle that you can get in the game right now, see also my top 3 best fusion rifles video which you can find in the right hand corner. This is a must have gun if you like to use fusion rifles. The only downside with this gun is the terrible drop rates in the archon forge for this weapon, the archon forge is the only place where you can get this weapon dropped and the grind is just very tedious, but I guess that is the price to pay if you want to have the best fusion rifle in the game.

The final gun that you should be using before destiny 2 launches is the autorifle from the Prison of Elders the Soulstealer's Claw. This gun can only be obtained by leveling up the house of judgment, and this autorifle with the right perks can be considered better than the famous doctrine of passing. I have done an indepth weapon review about this gun before, click on the youtube card in the right hand corner to check out the video or see the link in the description below. But in summary this gun can be better than the doctrine due to the perk setup, it can hit further than the doctrine while keeping a manageable recoil.
Whereas normally the fast firing autorifles like the doctrine or arminius-d are only effective from short to medium range, the soulstealer's claw will push that range a bit further and you really notice that a couple of meters makes a whole lot of difference with the soulstealer's claw.
So level up your house of judgment and try out this gun!

So those are my top 5 picks that you should be using before destiny 2 launches, let me know if I missed something. Thanks for watching, subscribe for more and have a look at my latest and recommended videos here in this endscreen. And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

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