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Wednesday, August 30, 2017
D1 EXOTICS returning in Destiny 2!
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Monday, August 28, 2017
Destiny 2 – Official “What is Destiny 2?” Trailer
Thursday, August 17, 2017
5 GUNS to use Before Destiny 2 Launches!
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
5 Guns to use Before Destiny 2 Launches!
Hi Guardians, the launch of destiny 2 is coming closer and most of the guardians are finishing their last activities to complete their record books or to complete their collection whether that is weapons, armors or ships. Or you are just like me that just can't get enough with the game, anyways once Destiny 2 launches in September the majority of the current player base will move to Destiny 2.
But before you do so , try out these 5 guns that you don't see that often in the game. I have a top 5 list of guns that you should be using before Destiny 2 launches. These guns are not that popular due to their rarity or simply because the meta has shifted. But they are still fun to use and still pretty effective in the crucible.
Queenbreaker's Bow
In the number 5 spot we have the queenbreaker's bow. For those who are not familiar with this gun, this is officially a fusion rifle but it is actually a Fusion Sniper Rifle. So it has the potential to one shot headshot a guardian but as with other fusion rifles there is a charge time that goes with it. As a result this is a weapon that requires you to go down the learning curve in order to be effective with it.
When you use this gun make sure to choose the Combat sights and Send it for the optimal perk loadout where you have a faster charge rate and maximum range and accuracy.
You can have a chance on a queenbreaker's bow drop by completing the prison of elders or challenge of elders or by decrypting a Special weapon engram. I got mine from a decrypting a legacy special weapon engram.
Lord of Wolves
In the number 4 spot we have another Prison of Elders exotic the Lord or Wolves. This is also a gun that sits in a weird spot, it is officially a shotgun but it shoots in bursts. It does not out range your typical matador or partycrasher but it is insanely fun to burst down your opponent with this shotgun. Due to the burst mechanic it is almost a guaranteed kill when you shoot the gun within its short effective range in Pvp.
And with solar burn this gun melts captains in Pve!
Use Linear compensator to max out the pitiful range and you will need extended mag since this gun burns through its ammo very quickly.
The next one up is the scout rifle Angel's Advocate. Within the current meta there is a lot of viable weapons, obviously there is the popular hand cannon, but the fast firing auto rifles and pulses are very common as well. However you still don't see scout rifles being used that often in the crucible. Occasionally you see the Mida Multi Tool but only every now and then you see this beauty the Angel's Advocate. This is basically a mini mida, it sits in the same archetype and this is a great legendary replacement for your Mida. As for perks you will be looking for outlaw, and third eye for that mida feel.
In the second place we have the King of the Fusion rifles the Saladin's Vigil. If you were ever killed by a fusion rifle, there is a high probability that it was done with the Saladin's Vigil. Thisl is the most reliable fusion rifle that you can get in the game right now, see also my top 3 best fusion rifles video which you can find in the right hand corner. This is a must have gun if you like to use fusion rifles. The only downside with this gun is the terrible drop rates in the archon forge for this weapon, the archon forge is the only place where you can get this weapon dropped and the grind is just very tedious, but I guess that is the price to pay if you want to have the best fusion rifle in the game.
The final gun that you should be using before destiny 2 launches is the autorifle from the Prison of Elders the Soulstealer's Claw. This gun can only be obtained by leveling up the house of judgment, and this autorifle with the right perks can be considered better than the famous doctrine of passing. I have done an indepth weapon review about this gun before, click on the youtube card in the right hand corner to check out the video or see the link in the description below. But in summary this gun can be better than the doctrine due to the perk setup, it can hit further than the doctrine while keeping a manageable recoil.
Whereas normally the fast firing autorifles like the doctrine or arminius-d are only effective from short to medium range, the soulstealer's claw will push that range a bit further and you really notice that a couple of meters makes a whole lot of difference with the soulstealer's claw.
So level up your house of judgment and try out this gun!
So those are my top 5 picks that you should be using before destiny 2 launches, let me know if I missed something. Thanks for watching, subscribe for more and have a look at my latest and recommended videos here in this endscreen. And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
How and Why you Should get Year 1 weapons in Destiny
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
How and Why you Should get Year 1 weapons in Destiny
Hi Guardians, With Destiny 2 coming out there will be a couple of events ending in Destiny 1 and that is the end of Iron Banner and the Trials of Osiris. Unless you play raids or nightfalls without Iron Banner and Trials there is basically no need anymore to be max light level in Pvp. Iron Banner and Trials were the only light enabled activities in the crucible.
So this is the perfect time to grind for year 1 weapons. Year 1 weapons were not viable before because it would drag your light level down for Trials or Iron Banner. But without these activities there will be use again for year 1 weapons.
These year 1 weapons have one benefit in comparison to weapons from year 2 or 3 and that is the fact that you can reroll them.
If you don't like the roll you have on a particular gun you can simply reroll the weapon at the gunsmith until you have the God Roll that you are looking for.
So you only need to have the weapon dropped once so you can reroll it to your liking, unlike in year 2 or year 3 where you need the weapon to drop multiple times until you have a roll that you are happy with.
So how do you get year 1 weapons? By Playing the prison of elders level 28. Complete the 5 rounds and at the end in the treasure room you will be guaranteed with a year 1 drop , which can be a weapon or an armor. Wait until the end screen once you finished the activity because additional year 1 weapons or armors can be dropped from there as well.
Prison of elders level 28 is a walk in the park nowadays if you are light level 400, if you are not at max light level yet don't worry this activity has matchmaking so you can complete this in a group if needed.
Normally it takes around 15 minutes to get to the treasure room, so it does not take up to much of your time. And as mentioned before you only need a certain gun to drop once and there is basically no need anymore to grind prison of elders if you have the gun you want since you can just reroll the gun to your liking.
Now what are the guns that you will be looking for.
The Her Benevolence sniper rifle, this is a great sniper in the popular 31 impact archetype like the 1000 Yard stare, LDR and Longbow. If you don't have a god roll sniper yet then this is your best bet on getting a good sniper. All the pro's have one, and you probably have a better chance on getting a god roll sniper by rerolling the Her Benevolence than hoping to get the perfect roll dropped on your 1000 yard stare , LDR or Longbow.
When you get an Her Benevolence dropped you will be looking to re roll this with Shortgaze, Hidden Hand, Quickdraw and Performance bonus.
ShortGaze and hidden hand helps with boosting the aim assistance to its max and quickdraw is necessary for those fast snipes and performance bonus helps you with your ammo economy by granting you a chance on bonus reserve ammo when you get a kill. This is definitely necessary after the ammo nerf on special weapons.
High Road Soldier
If scouts are your thing than you should get the high road soldier, this sits in the same archetype as the Mida Multi Tool. Get Full auto , Braced Frame and Hidden hand on it for that Mida feel.
If you prefer the higher hitting scout rifles than go for the Queen's Scout. Also here I recommend the same roll, with full auto, braced Frame and hidden hand
The Queen's auto rifle Her Right Hand is also a great year 1 weapon. Get this with Crowd Control , Rifled Barrel and Counterbalance. Crowd control keep you as lethal as possible for the next kill by giving you a damage boost after a kill, Rifled Barrel pushes the range further than normal and Counterbalance helps you manage the recoil.
With this roll you will have a great time if you like to use auto rifles.
For Pulses go for the Aegis of the Kell if you like the fast firing guns like the hawksaw and PDX-45, and if you like the Hopscotch pilgrim archetype then go for the Queen's Pulse Rifle Payment VI. Get this with Rodeo , Braced Frame and Counterbalance to optimize the stability and you will have a laser pulse.
As for Hand Cannons get the Loner Rebel, this will not be able to hit the max range cap of 62, but you can roll it with anything you want, so why not make it the most gimmicky gun?
I rolled mine with Final Round, Rifled Barrel and Luck in the Chamber for that fun lucky roll build! Having only 8 rounds in the mag means that the chance on having that luck in the chamber proc is pretty good and I am also guaranteed with that extra damage boost from final round. So this gun has potentially two lucky bullets.
As for my last recommendation, if you don't have a good rocket launcher yet go for the Dreamwaker. This is a great rocket launcher for Pvp, you can maximize the blast radius to a 100 and have tripod to carry three rockets and have Grenades and Horseshoes.
Go for the roll Aggressive or Hard Launch, Tripod, Heavy Payload to max out the blast radius or have a more balanced roll with Javelin to up the velocity, and of course Grenades and Horseshoes.
So those are my year 1 weapon recommendations. Go out there have fun, and let me know how you like the guns.
Subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos. If you would like to see more then click on the recommended video or watch my latest video which you can find in the end screen. And as always I will see you in the next video guardians!
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Destiny 2 – Competitive Multiplayer Trailer
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Saturday, August 5, 2017
5 USELESS THINGS in Destiny!
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Fusion Rifles are BACK Baby , Destiny 2 Beta Review!
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Fusion Rifles are back Baby , Destiny 2 Beta Review!
Hi Guardians, the destiny 2 beta is over and let me share you my thoughts on Fusion Rifles.
If you are subscribed to my YouTube Channel you know that I like fusion rifles a lot. I made couple of fusion rifle videos in the past, you can check them out in the right hand corner as a youtube card or check out the links in the description below.
With the beta the fusion rifle has now been put in the power weapon slot , this means that the only way to get ammo for your fusion rifle is to wait for power ammo which spawns every couple of minutes.
But once you manage to acquire power ammo, you will have 6 shots in your fusion rifle to tear down your enemies. And that is exactly what fusion rifles are doing in the beta, they are tearing down enemies. Fusion rifles feels really good in Destiny 2, it is really dominant in the short to medium range and the hip fire and accuracy feels really on point.
In Destiny 1 Fusion rifles had it ups and downs, and at this moment in time the only viable fusion rifles that are consistent , with an emphasis on consistent, are the Saladin's Vigil and Plan-C. These two are the most consistent Fusion rifles in Destiny 1, there is the Midha's Reckoning, Panta Rhei and Thesan FR4 and you can do very well with them but they are no way as consistent as the Saladin's Vigil and Plan-C. And this consistency can be found in the fusion rifles in this Destiny 2 beta.
The shots feels very accurate, and the hipfire feels pretty solid as well, you won't be hitting crazy long range shots as sometimes with the saladin's vigil but you have a pretty good sense on what your range is with this gun.
Fusion rifles starts to miss some of their bolts at around the same distance where the damage falloff happens for hand cannons around 30 to 40 meters. So that might give you some sense on the effective range of fusion rifles.
So yeah I am very happy with the state of fusion rifles at the moment, the only thing I have an issue with is that these fun weapon types are now all in the power weapon slot. Fusion rifles, Snipers and shotguns these are the weapon types that makes the crucible fun and it is really a shame that all of these are moved to the power weapon slot. And power ammo can only be acquired by the person pulling this from the box, you won't be able to share this with others. So the time that you can enjoy these weapon types are really low in a match. I was on average able to pull two power ammo's from a match of control to play around with my fusion rifle. But let's say that you are able to get power ammo, but you then have to be careful not to get killed and lose all of your power ammo. I understand that this is to limit the 1 hit kills in the game, but it does take away some fun in the game.
So yeah at this moment fusion rifles are in a good spot, we need to see whether bungie will be making any adjustments with the full launch of Destiny 2. I can already see that Fusion Rifles will be the meta if nothing is changed in the power weapon department.
Snipers, shotguns, rocket and grenade launchers and linear fusion rifles are all in the power weapon category. But at this moment in time Fusion Rifles are the most effective weapon of all of them. Grenade launchers and Linear fusion rifles are hard to use, and shotguns and snipers are still fun. But given the fact that crucible are now 4 v 4's I can imagine the maps will be much smaller than in Destiny 1 making snipers a less viable option to use, unless there are big long sniper lanes in the maps. And rocket launchers are still very effective as well. But if you look at the amount of ammo that you get for each power weapon, you will see a clear winner here. The easy to use rocket launcher gets 1 rocket, the harder to use Grenade launchers and Linear fusion rifles gets 4 ammo, Shotguns you get 4 shots as well , and Snipers and Fusion rifles get 6 shots.
So to get the best bang for your buck you should use a sniper or a fusion rifle as your power weapon. Given the fact that Snipers are a pretty high skilled weapon class and probably the use for snipers are low with the expected smaller maps, your best bet to get as many kills as possible and as easy as possible is with the use of a Fusion Rifle.
Again everything I have said here applies to my experience with the Beta, the final product of Destiny 2 can and probably will be different. But as a Fusion Rifle fan, I am very excited at the moment and I am looking forward to the final product with the launch of Destiny 2 in September.
Once Destiny 2 is fully launched I will definitely revisit the use of Fusion Rifles and let you know my thoughts about it, so subscribe to stay up to date on that.
I hope you enjoyed the video if you want to see more have a look at my recommended or latest video which you can find in the end screen. And as always I see you in the next video guardians!
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