Thursday, February 23, 2017

GOD Roll FWC Wormwood Review | BEST SideArm? #Destiny

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The Wormwood sidearm has become the meta after the February Weapon balance patch. In this video I will talk about my God Roll Wormwood and whether this is the best sidearm that you can have in the game right now!


Hi guardians welcome back , you must have seen the wormwood sidearm popping up in your killfeed before. After the february weapon balance update the wormwood took over the Matador top spot in the special weapon category.
There are good reasons why the wormwood is up top. The weapon balance update heavily favors sidearms since this is the only special weapon type that is not affected by the special ammo nerf and out of all the sidearms the Wormwood is in a good spot due to the archetype that this gun is in.

The Wormwood falls into the mid impact weapon category with an impact of 12, it is not the highest hitting sidearm that spot is reserved to the Teacup Tempest and the exotic sidearm Trespasser but the 12 impact category has a good balance of rate of fire and magazine size.
The lower impact sidearms have an higher fire rate but realistically the average person won't be able to make full use of this fire rate, and the High impact Teacup Tempest has a rather low magazine size of 9 and more than often I find myself being caught up in a reload because of the this. So the Wormwood has a nice balance of impact and mag size, and the fact that you can easily obtain this gun from the Future War Cult makes this gun very popular.
The vendor version is very good, it has High Caliber Rounds , Quickdraw , Hand loaded , Zen moment and Hidden Hand. Most guardians will use the combo of High Caliber rounds and Hand loaded. High caliber rounds is great to increase the flinch of  your opponent and Hand Loaded is a very good perk to have on a sidearm to make this gun more effective at longer ranges. This is crucial as the damage dropoff of sidearms is really steep. And the final perk hidden hand is an all round good perk to have.

So the vendor version is nearly perfect. The only thing I would change is to swap hidden hand with rangefinder and that is exactly what I have on my Wormwood.
This thing has High Caliber Rounds, Hand Loaded and Range finder. Hand loaded and Rangefinder is a great combo to max out the range, as mentioned before the damage fall off is very steep with sidearms so it is crucial the max out the range stat on any sidearm, and we already discussed the usefulness of High caliber rounds that can increase the flinch of your opponent , throwing off their aim.
So this can be considered as the God Roll, the only thing is that…. I rather have Truesight or Sureshot as my preferred scope, at the moment I am rocking the Fastdraw scope.

So how does this gun perform in Pvp. Well it does 60 damage per crit shot and 48 damage per body shot. The optimal time to kill is really fast at 0.6 seconds with 1 crit and 3 body shots and this can go up to 0.8 seconds if you hit 5 body shots.
To put this in perspective most Hand Cannons kill in 0.86 seconds so 0.6 is really fast.
The bad news is that the damage dropoff is really steep, you are probably looking at around 10 meters  where the damage drop off starts, so you really need to be up in the face of your opponents in order for sidearms to be effective.
But in the that short range the wormwood is like a mini last word, and that is exactly how you need to use this gun. Just like the last word you can actually spam the trigger to make full use of the rate of fire, when I started to use the gun I noticed that I lost a lot of engagement and I thought that was the fault of the gun, but then I found out that I was just not making full use of the fire rate of the wormwood. The fire rate is actually very high, and I needed to remind myself that I can actually fire the gun much faster than I thought, and when I was in that mindset the gun actually started to perform really well.
So there you go , just spam the gun like an idiot and it will do work.

Another tip to make your sidearm as effective as possible is to aim for the body. The recoil of sidearms is not that severe but it still kicks a bit which can throw off your aim if you are only trying to aim for the head. So instead aim for the body and let the recoil do its work and this should help you land more shots.

And again keep the engagement at close range, this does not mean that you can kill enemies on longer ranges, you can for sure as this clip shows but as you can see the damage dropoff is substantial. Out of the normal body damage of 48 you see that I am only hitting 24, so that doubles your normal time to kill. So switch to your primary as soon as the gunfight moves outside of basically twice the shotgun range.

To conclude the Wormwood is a fantastic sidearm and the vendor version is easily the best sidearm that you can easily obtain at the moment. This gun has a fast time to kill at the optimal range, and outside of that range the damage drop off is very steep and engaging in a gunfight in that range is sub-optimal. So you need to carefully analyse the range that you are engaging in.
The wormwood should be part of your weapon arsenal, so get one now if you dont have one yet.

That wraps it up for the video. A like is appreciated if you enjoyed this video. If you want to stay up to date on any new videos that are coming up then hit the subscribe button. Thanks for watching , and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

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