Friday, January 27, 2017


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So my IceBreaker finally dropped in the Nightfall, but what now? What activities are useful for the Icebreaker and let's bring back some Icebreaker stories. We will talk about the nostalgia of the Icebreaker, how the icebreaker was loved and how it transitioned into year 3.
The icebreaker is not the powerhouse exotic anymore from year 1 and in year 3 much have changed but the icebreaker still stands it ground despite its flaws.
The Icebreaker is still useful both Pve and Pvp but the nerf has hit the gun hard. Watch this video where I will tell you the story about the ICEBREAKER!

Hi guardians my icebreaker finally dropped after playing countless of nightfalls. During all the nightfalls, every week at least one of my fireteam member got an icebreaker dropped, week after week and in the end I finally got one as well. If you haven’t got one dropped yet just continue grinding the nightfall and sooner or later you will get one dropped as well.

So what makes the Ice breaker so special is its exotic perk No Backpack which allows the gun to regenerate ammo up to 6 bullets but at the expense that the gun can not be reloaded.
And the other exotic perk is Ice Breaker which makes every kill explode like the Firefly perk dealing damage to their surroundings.
Also ONE particular stat stands out as well for this gun which is the range. This is the only sniper rifle with a max out range stat of 100. This means that the gun basically does not have any damage fall off at all.

So lets assume that you have an Ice breaker as well but what now?
In what activities should you use the icebreaker and does this gun have any use in the game or is it just another collectors item.

So Lets start with the different activities where you can use the ice breaker. Obviously PVE will come to mind , especially during activities where you have juggler as a modifier. For those who are not familiar with this, this is a modifier which causes your enemies not to drop any ammo for your equipped weapon. Obviously icebreaker will be very good here since it automatically regenerates ammo for you. But is this really practical? In my opinion not really, first of all if you are looking for sniper ammo you just simply need to switch weapons to either your primary or heavy and with any kills you might have a chance that you enemies are dropping ammo for your sniper.
Also the icebreaker can only hold six bullets while a normal sniper can hold at least double the amount.
And the regen ability of the icebreaker? Well since the icebreaker nerf it now takes 7 seconds to create a bullet whereas before this was only 5 seconds which takes some time but it was still in an acceptable range. But 7 seconds is long time to create one bullet, as for a matter of effect let me demonstrate how long that is just to gain one additional bullet 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and that’s just one bullet, so to get the full mag it takes 42 seconds to create 6 bullets!
In the meantime you might as well switch to a normal sniper kill a bunch of stuff get the ammo and have a full mag which is more than the 6 bullets from the icebreaker within the same amount of time.
So to be honest this gun is not that practical , but it is cool that your enemies explode when you kill them with the icebreaker though. [clip killing enemy with icebreaker]

And in raids you are also probably better of with any of the other high impact snipers because 6 bullets just is not enough for a typical damage phase with any boss. A normal sniper would be able to empty their full ammo of around 18 bullets provided you have the perks that allows you to carry extra sniper ammo and still have time left over to switch to your primary or heavy to finish a damage phase. So DPS wise Icebreaker just doesn't cut it neither.

So how about PVP the ammo regen must come in handy there right? Well yes it does but the problem is again 8 seconds is a long time , especially in crucible. and unless the enemy is controlling the special ammo, you should be able to gather enough special ammo for a normal  sniper usage. Unless you are part of the 1% that is using the sniper as your primary

Oh yeah and you respawn without ammo… Really?    what? .

But the Icebreaker does have qualities that will shine in the crucible, first of all it has quickdraw so you can quickly switch to your icebreaker and it has mulligan so when you miss a shot it has a chance to return the bullet back to your mag. And as mentioned before the maxout range means that you will not face any damage fall off even when you are on one of the the biggest maps.
But the icebreaker is not perfect the stability on this gun is awefull making follow up shots hard to handle.  [clip of follow up shots]

So it sounds like I hate this gun, but dont get me wrong I LOVE the ICEBREAKER. As for a matter a fact the icebreaker has a special place in my Destiny time because this is the first exotic that I got. I still remember that back in year 1 I got the Icebreaker from an legendary engram and I was so excited about it.
This gun brings back a lot of memories especially for all the year 1 players, where this gun is famous for its use to cheese bosses. What we used to do was to sit back in a safe spot and unload the icebreaker on the boss or you wait until all the bullets are regenerated and then switch to your black hammer which became the black spindle in year 2, and then shoot the boss infinitely since the black hammer during that time could generate bullets out of thin air provided you have precision hits. Or in year 1 when you are out of sniper ammo you could use the icebreaker to regenerate the mag and then switch out to your favorite sniper which will now have a full mag.

So all of that is not applicable now anymore since the icebreaker nerf and there are not a lot of safe spots anymore and most of the bosses have some mechanics that either forces you to move around or the boss is spawning away and you need to kill adds to get the boss respawned again like the renewed omnigul strike.

But damn this is such a fun gun to play with,  And also the aesthetics of the gun is so unique , there is no other gun that looks or sound like the icebreaker.
[show ornaments and clip of icebreaker sound]

So yes the Icebreaker may not have great use anymore in the game, but damned it is still a fun gun to use. It is unique, it looks beautiful and sounds great ,and the enemies explode when you kill them! This is truly one of my all time favorite exotic in the game and I am happy that Bungie brought it back to year 3.

So those are my thoughts on the icebreaker. Before I end this video I am curious how many people there are here from year 1 , 2 and 3. Let me know in the comment box when you started this game!
So that bring us to the end of the video, a like is appreciated if you enjoyed this. Subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos and as always I will see you in the next video guardians

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