Tuesday, January 17, 2017

All year 3 Iron Banner Weapons & Recommended Rolls

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All Year 3 Iron Banner Weapons & Recommended Rolls

Hi Guardians in this video I will be giving you an overview of all the different year 3 Iron banner weapons with my suggested rolls for Pvp and Pve.
We will start first with the primaries , afterwards the secondaries and we will finish up with the heavy weapons.
As we are going through the weapons if I have an in depth weapon review on a particular gun I will add this as a YouTube Card which you can find in the upper right hand corner. I will also make sure to add the video link in the description below.

Before I start with the weapon overview lets first talk about how you can obtain these guns. All of the mentioned guns in this video can be obtained when Iron Banner is around. Iron Banner is a monthly event and every time different guns will be sold. So you can either obtain these guns by visiting the vendor or you can get one dropped as a reward by doing one of the Iron Banner bounties that will reward you with a weapon.
So make sure you check out the bounty description as there are also bounties that reward you with an armour instead of a weapon so make sure you are progressing on the correct bounty.

So with that aside let’s start with the weapon overview:

The Clever Dragon - Pulse Rifle
Pvp: Injection Mold, High Caliber Rounds, Rangefinder
Pve: Perfect Balance ,Appended Magazine, Outlaw

The clever dragon is one of the best gun in the game right now, if you havent got one yet go get it when iron banner is around.
The pvp roll that you are looking for is Injection Mold, High Caliber Rounds and Rangefinder
Alternatively you can also use Perfect balance, High Caliber Rounds and Counterbalance instead.
For PVE you really want to focus more on being accurate and getting as many shots on target as possible, so I can recommend Perfect Balance , Appended Magazine and Outlaw.
Perfect balance to help you with your accuracy and appended mag increase the bullets in your mag and the slower reload from the perk is negated with outlaw which will grant you a fast reload on precision kills.

The Unbent Tree - Auto Rifle
Pvp: Perfect Balance, Single Point Sling,  Counterbalance
Pve: Hammer Forged, Appended Magazine,  Focused Fire

The unbent tree is in the famous Doctrine of Passing fast firing low impact archetype.
For Pvp you really need to have counterbalance and perfect balance to control the recoil. The middle column does not offer too many interesting choices, but I would go for Single Point Sling for the extra handling speed.
High Firing auto rifle is really pea shooter in PVE, I do not recommend to use one at all. But if you must I would recommend Hammer Forged, appended magazine and focused fire. Because the damage in PVE is rather low I recommend to use Focused Fire to up the damage a bit and appended mag so you can sustain your DPS as much as possible before you need to reload the gun and since focus fire also lowers the recoil we will choose hammer forged to improve the range because the damage fall off are very steep for auto rifles.

The Distant Star - Scout Rifle
Pvp: Injection Mold, Full Auto, Hidden Hand
Pve: Injection Mold, Extended Mag, Firefly

The distant star is basically a Mini-Mida Multi Tool, so for Pvp to replicate the MIDA strengths we want to focus on accuracy with injection mold and hidden hand, and Full Auto to replicate the hair trigger’ness of the Mida.
The Distant star is also great for PVE, too be frank this is currently my go to PVE gun with the perks Injection mold, extended mag and firefly. Injection mold helps with accuracy and the combination of extended mag and firefly means that you can easily deal with large crowd of enemies.

The Lingering Song - Hand Cannon
Pvp: Rifled Barrel, Quickdraw, Rangefinder
Pve: Hammer forged, Extended Mag, Firefly

The lingering song is one of the hardest hitting hand cannon with an impact stat of 94. As with all the other hand cannons range is king, so we want to have Rifled Barrel and rangefinder and quickdraw to top it off for a Pvp roll.
For Pve I would switch rifled barrel for Hammer Forged instead as this will not lower the already low reload speed of the gun and we have extended mag to delay the need to reload and firefly to deal with large crowd of enemies in PVE. But too be honest use a scout rifle instead, the reload speed is really too slow for Pve usage.

The Binding Blaze - Sidearm
Pvp: Hand Loaded, Quickdraw, Rangefinder
Pve: Hand Loaded, Appended Magazine, Crowd Control

The next one up is the sidearm the Binding Blaze, Sidearms suffers the same steep range fall off as with hand cannons so for a pvp roll we will focus on range with Hand loaded and rangefinder and Quickdraw so you can switch to your secondary when needed as fast as possible.
For Pve we have a similar build but then with appended magazine and crowd control to make you as lethal as possible and the extra bullets from appended mag will help with sustaining extra damage before you need to reload..

The Laughing Heart - Sniper
Pvp: Smallbore, Quickdraw, Hidden hand
Pve: Injection Mold, Speed reload, triple tap

For the sniper I recommend a pvp roll that is focused on being as accurate as possible with smallbore to boost both stability and range and hidden hand for the extra consistency, we top this off with quickdraw.
The Pve roll will have injection mold for a big boost in stability and triple tap and speed reload will help you sustain the dps as much as possible.

The Branded Lord - Fusion Rifle
Pvp: Smallbore, Quickdraw, Rangefinder
Pve: Smallbore, Accelerated Coils, Life Support

The Branded Lord Fusion Rifle, Both range and stability are essential for a good Fusion rifle so I recommend smallbore for both the Pvp and Pve roll. In addition to that quickdraw and rangefinder will top it off for the Pvp roll and for Pve I recommend accelerated coils so you can charge the gun and get the shots off faster  and since fusion rifles are not that effective at a distance you will need be to in close proximity to your enemies so life support is crucial to help you survive those close engagements.

The Proud Spire - Shotgun
Pvp: Rifled Barrel, Quickdraw, Rangefinder
Pve: Rifled Barrel, Casket Mag, Full Auto

The Iron Banner Shotgun the Proud Spire. Shotguns are all about range so you want to max out the range stat with rifled barrel and rangefinder for a solid pvp roll and quickdraw will help you switch to your secondary faster. I would personally stay away from the low impact shotguns , do yourself a favor and stick with the high impact ones. If you dont have a good high impact shotgun go ahead and buy the dead orbit vendor shotgun the Last Ditch which has a solid roll straight out of the box.
The Proud Spire can make a good shotgun in Pve thought. Especially when you have full auto and casket mag so you can fire off as many bullets as fast as possible. This will be good for dealing with multiple enemies or captains during strikes and nightfalls.

The Silvered Dread - Machine Gun
Pvp: Injection Mold, Extended mag, Counter Balance
Pve: Injection Mold, Field Scout, Counter Balance

The silvered dread is one of the best all round machine guns at the moment in the game. I have discussed this in detail in my weapon review which should pop up now in this video. Go ahead and check out that video with the YouTube card or see the link in the description below.
What you want for this gun is injection mold and counter balance for the extra stability. In addition you want to have Extended mag for pvp so you can delay the need to reload and field scout for pve because the more bullets you have the more damage you can do.

The Titanium Orchid - Rocket Launcher
Pvp: Hard Launch, Heavy Payload, Grenades and Horseshoes
Pve: Hard Launch, Heavy Payload, Grenades and Tracking

The final weapon is the Iron banner rocket launcher the titanium orchid. This is a solid allround rocket launcher with great base stats. As with any other rocket launcher you want to focus on maximizing the blast radius and velocity. So Hard launch and heavy payload will be the preferred perks. And for pvp you obviously want to have grenades and horseshoes for the proximity detonation and for pve you want to have tracking instead.

So those are all the year 3 iron banner weapons. Here is a final overview of all the weapons with the recommended rolls.

I would strongly recommend you to get the Clever Dragon, The Distant Star and the Silvered Dread those guns are really good. The Clever Dragon is one of the best weapons at this moment in time for the crucible and the Pve recommended Distant Star is really good in dealing with vast amount of enemies in pve and the Silvered dread is just an all round good weapon for both pvp and pve.

So that sums up this video! A like would be appreciated if you enjoyed this video, and dont forget to subscribe if you havent done so yet to stay up to date on my latest videos.
Thanks for watching and as always I will see you in the next video guardians!

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