Friday, April 8, 2016

Year 1 Exotics coming back to year 2 TTK

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Swaye here with a Destiny Video! Today we are going to talk about year 1 exotics that are coming to the Taken King april update!

Lets start with the exotic year 1 armour that will be moving to year 2.
We have the Glasshouse helmet which will make the blessing of light and weapons last longer.
The Eternal warrior for the striker which will grant you the Unstoppable per for free.
The ATS 8 Arachnid for the hunter that zooms your golden gun while aiming down sights
Khepri’s sting to gain invisibility after crouching, so you can use invisibility for the Gunslinger and Nightstalker!
Sunbreakers for the warlocks which will increase the duration of your solar grenades and grants you an extra grenade.
ACD Feedback Fence , which will deal an AOE damage when you are being meleed
Purifier robes for sunsingers which will disorients enemies when you activate radiance
Lucky raspberry makes you spawn with full grenade energy and arcbolts will chain further

For the weapons we have the prison of elders exotics that are making a comeback:
The Fusion Rifle Queenbreakers bow, which is essentially a sniper
Dreg’s promise which ricochets rounds but is not very usefull
Lord of wolves is a cool shotgun, which is a burst firing shotgun with a lot of ammo
And we have Patience and Time, which makes you invisible when you aim down sights
One of the cooler exotics in the game in my opinion

Universal Remote, is a shotgun that can be used in the primary slot!

Those are all the exotics coming to year 2. You might be wandering, and Swaye what about Gjallahorn and Ice Breaker? Well I have bad news, they will not be carried over to year 2. Until they find a way how to balance gjallahorn it wont come to year 2 simply because its over powered, and as with Ice breaker they want to discourage the camping style of icebreakers of sitting in a spot and camping the bosses.

And if you were wondering…. the vex mythoclass is also not coming back neither.

I am personally excited about the Khepri’s Sting this can really switch up your nightstalker and gunslinger built. I feel the ACD Feedback fence will be very usefull in the upcoming Challenge of Elders, where you will probably be overwhelmed with enemies and this exotic can help you survive in this situation.
And I am looking forward to Universal Remote, this is such a fun gun to mess around with in the crucible.

I want to hear your thoughts, what are you looking forward to? Subscribe to stay up to date on my latest videos. Check out my other videos. See you later guardians.

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