Thursday, November 3, 2016

Destiny The Clever Dragon In-Depth Review IB Legendary Pulse Rifle

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Hi Swaye here with another in-depth weapon review and in this video we are going to review the popular Grasp of Malok archetype Iron Banner variant the Clever Dragon.
With the rise of iron expansion there are only three weapons in this low impact high rate of fire pulse rifle archetype and that is of course the Grasp of Malok, the Waltz which I have done an indepth weapon review about this before, a YouTube card should pop up now if you want to see that video, and lastly The Clever Dragon.
These guns are very popular due to their consistency and fast time to kill.

Lets start with the roll that I got on my Clever Dragon and then we will discuss which perks will complement this gun the most.

My Clever Dragon comes with :
The Iron Red Dot
Iron Warrior Sights
Iron Ranged Scope
Braced Frame
Armor Piercing Rounds
Feather Mag
Life Support

Every gun comes with the same scopes I would just stick with the Warrior Sights to have that extra stability boost.
For the second column the best perks are Injection Mold, Hand-laid Stock and Perfect Balance. Where Injection Mold is in my opinion the best out of the three, which will not only improve the stability but also the equip speed which will make you very accurate and mobile. The range does suffer a bit but unless you are at the furthest range you should be fine.
For the third column High Caliber Rounds is great which will increase the flinch of your opponent so it will be harder for them to fire back at you or you can increase the mag with appended magazine since you will run out of ammo very quick with this fast firing gun. The loss in reload speed can easily be neglected with a pair of pulse rifle reload gauntlets or you can opt for Feeding Frenzy or Outlaw in the Last perk tree to help you with the reload speed.
Personally I will choose for High Caliber Rounds as the flinch in this game has increased with the introduction of rise or iron and a lot of people underestimate the use of this perk.  
The last perk tree is really up to your own preference you can opt for counterbalance to make this gun a laser beam or hidden hand for that extra target acquisition.
My preference would be headseeker. Pulse rifle has the tendency to move up, so when you aim for the body the recoil will naturally move your reticle up towards the head. So aiming for the body will trigger headseeker and by the time the last bullet comes out of the burst that extra damage bonus will have a high chance to be applied on the head for extra crit damage.

The perk tree lay out does give interesting options with the type of gun that you can get.
So here are a couple of fun builds for the gun.
The Laser Beam Build has Injection Mold, High Caliber Rounds and Hidden Hand. This build is focused on making your gun as accurate as possible with Injection Mold to max out the stability and Hidden Hand to help you with the target acquisition and high caliber round will increase the flinch of your opponent to increase your survival chance in a gunfight.
This build would be suitable for most of the players where they want to be as accurate as possible and this can be considered as the god roll most of the people.

The next fun build is a slayer type of build with perfect balance, feather mag and glass half full. Perfect balance increases the stability without sacrificing range as you want to be as lethal as possible on as much range as possible, glass half full and feather mag couples very well together…. where feather mag reduces the mag size so you get to that extra damage on the lower end of your mag from glass half full as fast as possible, and it will increase your reload speed so you can be ready for your next engagement.
This is more for the accurate player that can place their shots very well and thus can work with less bullets that comes from feather mag.

Overall I would say that this gun really shines in the crucible in the current meta of the game. It has one of the fastest time to kill and the gun is not only consistent but it is also very forgiving. When you miss a burst you can easily correct for that since the next burst fires so damn fast, whereas for example hand cannons are less forgiving. And hand cannons also do not suffer that big of a lack of range than pulse rifles do. The Clever Dragon will perform good enough on medium to long ranges without any perks that increases the range stat. This means that you can invest in stability or any other perks instead which really makes this gun shines.
The only downside of the gun is that you can only obtain it during Iron Banner, so lets hope the clever dragon makes a return soon so that everyone can have a chance to enjoy this gun as well.

Thats it for this video, let me know what your preferred build would be instead. Subscribe if you havent done so yet to stay up to date on my latest videos. And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

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