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Earn all your faction gear in one hour!
Hi Guardians welcome back for another video where I give you tips and tricks so you can play this game as efficient and effective as possible.
Today I am going to show you how you can earn all your faction gear in under an hour.
With the latest update you can pledge to one of the Faction, Future War Cult, Dead Orbit and New Monarchy and earn tokens by just playing the game. Once you have 20 tokens you can trade them in for gear.
By the end of the week, the faction that has the most tokens gathered by all the guardians will win and you will be able to buy one of their weapons for only one thousand glimmer if you are pledged to the winning faction. For those who didn't , the gun will cost fifty thousand glimmer.
But you can also just earn all of your faction gear in under an hour with the following method. Remember that I said that you can earn tokens and trade them in for gear? What we are going to do is farming those tokens and trade them in so you have all of the weapons and gear from your faction.
For this farming method we are going to the lost sector on the rig on Titan. Just follow my lead here, we will be heading towards the Cargo Bay lost sector that is located on the left when you land on the rig. Jump over the ledge to enter the building , and from here go down the stairs towards the lost sector.
In the lost sector there will be 6 supplies that spawn on 8 different locations. Shooting these supplies will give you a faction token. So that is essentially the strategy here, we enter the lost sector, shoot the 6 supplies to get 6 tokens , rinse and repeat.
To make it easier for you I have located all 8 possible locations of the supplies. When you enter the room there might be one on the far left side wall, the second one is at the far back left corner, number 3 is behind the container, the fourth one is all the way in the middle at the back wall, Number 5 is in front of you and number 6 a bit further away before the ledge, Number 7 is sticked against the left wall of the right container hidden behind a box, and the last one is in the far right hand corner.
To make the run as efficient as possible I recommend to run any gun with Explosive rounds, this will be able to 2 shot the supplies making your run much more efficient.
You can use the better devils hand cannon or the exotic Sunshot hand cannon, or use the Blue scout rifle the Madrugada SR2, this has lightweight frame to move faster and explosive rounds.
If you are using a hand cannon you should use this route where we shoot the supplies in the following order, 5,7,6,3,1,2,4,8.
As you can see in the video first check the supply in front of you, then jump on the container to check location 7 on the right 6 in front of you and 3 on your left, then make a left and check spot number 1 , head to the back corner to check spot 2 make your way to the middle back to check 4 and head over to the last spot number 8 to finish your run. Afterwards head back to the middle and get yourself killed in order to respawn.
The most efficient run is to use the scout rifle, since it has lightweight which makes you move faster and you can hit the supply from further away which means less time spent on running.
The farming route is slightly different you start with 5 in front of you, head to the right to check number 8 then head to the back and check 4, from this position you can check number 3 and 1, then go to the back to check 2, and you will be ending with 7 and 6. Rinse and repeat.
By doing so you can get enough tokens in an hour to get all the gear you want from your faction, You can turn in a maximum of 600 tokens per character after that you will only get shaders. So that means you can get up to 30 legendary weapons or gear. And this should be plenty enough to get all the faction gear.
Thanks you so much for watching this video. I hope this helps you get the gear you want. Subscribe if you want to see more content or watch my latest or recommended video in the end screen. As always I will see you in the next video guardians.