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Wednesday, July 26, 2017
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017
How to use SENTINEL Titan, a Sentinel 101 guide on how to use the Barricade and Sentinel Super
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
How to use SENTINEL Titan, a Sentinel 101 guide on how to use the Barricade and Sentinel Super
Hi Guardians, the Sentinel is the new subclass for the Titan and in this video I will break down all the elements of the sentinel subclass that you should know.
On the background you can see some gameplay of the sentinel with the infinite super glitch. In order to perform the glitch you will either need a pike or a sparrow . And when you have your super, activate it and at the same time jump on your pike, and switch weapons and if you have done it correctly you will now have infinite super.
But now lets get into the abilities of the sentinel.
Lets start with the jumps, this is pretty straight forward:
High lift, gives you a higher jump
Strafe lift, allows you to change direction quicker while you are in the air.
And Catapult Lift gives you a strong initial burst of momentum.
You will most likely switch between strafe and catapult lift, strafe lift is great for Pvp where you want to be mobile and strafe lift gives you that ability to change direction quicker which is useful for those high intensity moments where you need to switch quickly from one target to the other, and Catapult lift is great for Pve where you can move slightly faster throughout the map due to the strong initial burst in the lift.
There are three grenade options.
First one up is the magnetic grenade which sticks to the enemies and explodes twice, this is great for the tougher enemies as the extra explosion can cause some potential extra damage. So great for single enemy damage not so much for lower level enemies as they will get killed anyways with only one explosion from the grenade, so you lose out on the potential damage from the second blast.
But that is why we have the second option the Voidwall grenade, this is great for eliminating clumped up low level enemies. Upon detonation it will create a horizontal burning voidwall and any enemies that step in the void wall will be damaged.
The last grenade is the suppressor grenade which will prevent enemies from using their abilities for a short time.
I mainly use the Voidwall grenade, not only does it have potential to deal with multiple enemies it has some great range on it as well, so you dont have to be precise with the placement of the grenade just throw it in the general direction and it will most likely hit the enemy.
The third ability of the Sentinel is the Barricade.
You have two options , the first one up is the towering barricade which creates a large barrier, and the second option is the rally barricade which is smaller but it allows you to hide and peek over it while aiming down sights, and while aiming from the barricade it will also instantly reload your weapon.
The Rally barricade is great for PVE where you can create cover anywhere it is needed and it also has the added benefit of instantly reloading your gun for maximum dps.
The bigger barricade will be more usefull in PVP where you can block off certain areas as part of your engagement strategy or you can protect yourself from enemy fire when you are securing your power ammo.
The super ability of the sentinel consist of two parts, if you hold L1 and R1 it will drop a Titan bubble around you. If you only tap your super button slightly it will go into the super roaming mode where you can walk around in your super and bash enemies with your shield.
You have different attacks when you are in your roaming super.
L1 will allow you to throw your shield towards your enemy, and a good throw will allow the shield to bounce off enemies and hit multiple targets.
Hold L2 for a guard to shield yourself from any incoming attacks.
And you will be dealing damage with R1 or R2 which deals a basic melee bash attack with the shield. If you hit R1 or R2 three times it will do a combo attack ending with a Titan Dash attack.
And you can combine all of this together by Guarding yourself until you are in melee range and then hit the combo and then guard yourself again for your next attack.
Very usefull in PVE when you are surrounded by enemies and a lot of incoming fire.
So that is all you need to about the Sentinel Titan Subclass.
Go try it out for yourself.
I hope you learned something new today.
Subscribe for more destiny content, and have a look at my recommended or latest video which you can find in the end screen. And as always I see you in the next video guardians!
Friday, July 21, 2017
Valerian Trailer Destiny 2 Version
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Wednesday, July 19, 2017
How to ARCSTRIDE, an Arcstrider 101 GUIDE on Arc Staff COMBOS
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
How to Arcstride, an Arcstrider 101 guide on Arc Staff Combos
Hi Guardians, the Arcstrider is the new revamped arc class that replaces the Arcblade from destiny 1 and it has some more moves than the simple slash and swipe movement from the arcblade. So in this video I will show you all the different attack combos that you can do with the Arcstrider.
There are two main attack buttons for the arcstrider and that is the Melee R1 and the Shoot R2 buttons on the Playstation, if you are on the xbox than melee is RB and shoot is the RT button , for simplicity sake of the video I will refer to the playstation buttons for now.
So most of the combos will be a combination of the Melee and Shoot buttons.
The first one to start of with is the simple Basic swipe attack which is performed with R1.
R2 is the razor's edge attack which sends an arc beam forward after the slash. Very useful against enemies that are outside of melee distance.
The first combo is the R1 followed by R2 which performs an uppercut movement.
If you keep on hitting R1 3 times you will perform a melee combo which ends with a ground slam attack which has a slight AoE effect.
R1 R1 and then R2 will finish your combo with an Arc Palm blast melee attack.
A similar fist of havoc aerial ground slam can be performed by hitting R2 while you are mid-air.
And you can extend your time in the air by hitting the melee button twice
And this can be combined together by ending with R2 to end your air attack with an aerial ground slam.
So the arcstrider super is definitely more versatile than the good old arcblade. I am not gonna make this video any longer than needed.
Go try out these combos for yourself.
I hope you learned something new today.
Subscribe for more destiny content, and have a look at my recommended or latest video which you can find in the end screen. And as always I see you in the next video guardians!
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
How to get the Exotics SUNSHOT, SWEET BUSINESS & RISKRUNNER in 5 MINUTES! Destiny 2 Beta
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
How to get the Exotics SUNSHOT, SWEET BUSINESS & RISKRUNNER in 5 MINUTES! Destiny 2 Beta
Hi Guardians in the Destiny 2 beta there are three exotics the Sunshot hand cannon the Sweet Business autorifle and the Riskrunner Submachine gun.
It is actually very easy to get these guns, actually you can get these three exotics within 5 minutes!
All you need to do is pick one of the classes when you start the Beta and start the first mission, go through the hallway until you find Zavala he will open the weapon room and there you will receive your exotic. Each exotic corresponds to a certain class. You will get the Sunshot hand cannon if you are a hunter, the titan gets the sweet business autorifle and if you are a warlock you will get the Riskrunner submachine gun.
The sunshot is a solar hand cannon which fires explosive rounds and it highlights targets that take damage from it, this is very usefull in pvp where you can fire a couple of shots and if the enemy hides behind a corner you will know exactly where he is.
It is kinda similar like the tick that you see from the thorn exotic or keen scout from the nightstalker.
And the final perk sun blast will let your enemies explode when you deal the finishing blow to the victims, kinda like the icebreaker combustion.
The Titan's autorifle exotic the Sweet business has the exotic perk business time which boosts the weapons range and rate of fire when you hold down the trigger. And it also automatically reload the gun when you pick up ammo.
You definitely want to hold the trigger down to get that higher rate of fire in Pvp, the higher rate of fire shreds enemies but it is kind a hard to time it well.
And the final exotic is the warlock submachine gun which has the unique perks arc and super conductor. The arc conductor allows the gun to become more powerful when you take arc damage, and while arc conductor is active shots fired has a chance to chain lighting and return ammo. This is kind of a niche perk, since you rely on taking arc damage in order to make use of the exotic perk. This is a horrible trade off, there is no way that you should allow yourself to take damage in order to benefit from a perk and it is also a submachine gun which is only usefull on the short range. So basically what you have is a poor man's zhalo's supercell with less range and it only works when you are taking damage, oh yeah and the damage need to be arc as well.
So yeah this exotic is terrible, I feel sorry for you guys warlock!
I have summarized all the perks and stats of the three exotics in these screenshots so you can have a look at for yourself.
I hope this helps you out , subscribe to stay up to date on the latest destiny news.
If you would like to see more then click on the recommended video or watch my latest video which you can find in the end screen. And as always I will see you in the next video guardians!
All WEAPONS in Destiny 2 Beta so far & INTRINSIC PERKS overview!!!
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
All Weapons in Destiny 2 Beta so far!
Hi Guardians, the beta of Destiny 2 has started and there are tons of new weapons in the game right now! And in this video I will be showing you all the weapons that you start with in the Beta.
The way how weapons work in Destiny 2 has been slightly changed, as you might know Primary weapons are now called Kinetic weapons and the special weapon slot has been replaced with an Energy weapon which deals an elemental damage. And all of the one hit kill potential weapons like fusion rifles, snipers and shotguns have now been moved to the heavy weapon slot which is now called power weapons.
Other than that, all of the guns now have fixed weapon perks, if you get a better devil's gun dropped it will have the same perks as any other Better devil's hand cannon.
The guns only differ with each other in their so called intrinsic perks.
And Intrinsic perks are perks that adds a bit of character to each gun.
Intrinsic perks we have seen so far are for example:
Adaptive: Well rounded, reliable and sturdy
Lightweight: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped
High impact: Long range, slow firing, and high damage
Aggressive: High Damage, high recoil
Precision: recoil pattern is more vertical
Hakke precision: fires small auto-tracking missiles
Rapid Fire: Deeper Ammo Reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty
Veist rapid-fire: Full auto. Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty
This definitely adds character to a gun and I am looking forward to see which intrinsic perk works the best with each weapon.
Next to intrinsic perks you also have weapon mods at the bottom to add a bit of flavor to your gun.
The right mod is a shader option for your gun and the left mod is the weapon mod. Unfortunately we dont have any information yet on how the weapon mods work, but I will keep you up to date about that as soon as I receive any new information about this.
There will also be a third mod available where you can change the elemental damage of your gun if it is an energy weapon.
The way how guns are shown in Destiny 2 is very familiar with Destiny 1.
Obviously you have the weapon name up top , and the weapon type underneath that.
Followed by any level requirement to use the gun and then the weapon description.
Nothing has changed that much with the weapon stats, we still have impact, range, stability, handling, reload and the magazine size, there is a new stat "rounds per minute" that is now displayed as well.
So now we have covered the basic mechanics of the weapon system.
Let's have a look at all the weapons that you start with in this beta.
In the Kinetic slot we have The Scathelocke which is an auto rifle in the 600 rounds per minute archetype. It has three different scopes and two perks from the middle column to choose from and I got this with the Adaptive intrinsic perk.
The next one up is the better devils hand cannon which comes with the familiar sights, fastdraw , steadyhand and sureshot, it got extended and drop mag, where your reload is greatly increased however you will lose the bullets that were still in your mag upon reload. And it has explosive payload which is basically explosive rounds from destiny 1.
As for submachine guns we have the showrunner. This is the kinetic version and we also have an elemental submachine gun the Red mamba which also sits in the 900 rounds per minute archetype
Other weapons in the energy slot are the Black Scorpion Scout Rifle , this is a weapon from the new foundry Veist and it looks like that each foundry will have their own unique intrinsic perk. This one has Veist Rapid Fire, which shoots full auto , and it has deeper ammo reserves, and it reloads slightly faster when the mag is empty.
Definitely an interesting perk, I am always a fan of full auto scouts , so I can not wait to try this one out in the crucible.
The last weapon in the energy slot is the Urchin Sidearm, this is also from the Veist foundry but as you can see we dont have a Veist specific intrinsic perk here. It has the generic Lightweight intrinsic perk instead, so this is definitely odd. So it seems like the foundry specific perks are not guaranteed on a foundry weapon. I am sure We will know more about this as more and more weapons will be dropped throughout the game.
And in the power weapon slot we have the sniper copperhead, this one is interesting with the rapid fire intrinsic perk which seems to boost the mag size to 7. In Destiny 1 snipers with a high mag size tend to be low impact snipers. We cant really tell from the impact stat whether this is a high, mid or low impact sniper. But it is definitely interesting that you can have 7 rounds in the mag, if this is an high impact sniper than it definitely has great potential to be a good PVE sniper. Especially when you pair this up with flared magwell for that increase in reload speed.
The other power weapon that is readily available is the hakke Acantha-D grenade launcher.
So those are all the weapons that you start of with in the beta. Once you start the mission you will be guaranteed with the Sunshot exotic hand cannon. This is basically a mini solar fatebringer as it has explosive rounds called sunburn and the enemies that you kill , will explode as well, but unlike the fatebringer the Sunshot does not have a quick reload.
In the back ground I will show you again all of the weapons that is readily available when you start the beta, you can find a detailed description as well of all the perks on each gun.
There are two more exotics the Sweet Business and Risk Runner that you can earn and in total there are over 20 legendary weapons that you can find in this beta by playing the different activities. I played a match of Control and at the end of the match I received an omolon submachine gun the phosphorus MG4.
So definitely keep on playing the beta if you want to see more legendary weapons. But these are all the weapons that is readily available when you start the game.
Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of all the different guns in the game so far. Let me know in the comments below how your beta experience have been so far and which gun you like the most.
I will put up a video soon with my thoughts on how the guns perform and which are the best so far. So Subscribe to stay up to date on that. If you would like to see more then click on the recommended video or watch my latest video which you can find in the end screen. And as always I will see you in the next video guardians!
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Top 3 BEST Fusion Rifles for Pvp Crucible in Year 3
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Top 3 Best Fusion Rifles for Pvp Crucible in Year 3
Hi Guardians. Today I will be presenting you the Top 3 Best Fusion Rifles in the game that you should be using in the crucible.
First of all, Thanks to MAHB Ali for suggesting this topic, you are the Subscriber of the Day.
Feel free to suggest any topics for a video, I will go through all the submissions and pick one out for my next video. Just make sure that you are subscribed and leave your suggestion in the comment section.
So Before we start with the Top 3 let's have a look at how the Fusion Rifles are used in the current state of the crucible.
Fusion rifles are optimal in the medium to short range, where you are out of shotgun range but also not too far away where you can not hit your target.
Most noticeably is the charge rate that is needed to fire the gun and you also need to account for the travel speed of the bolts since This is not a hitscan weapon, the bolts will need time to travel from the barrel to the target.
Compared with other secondary weapons the Fusion Rifle weapon type is arguably the one that requires the most skill to master.
Luckily there are a couple of top tier perks that can help you make the most out of your Fusion Rifle. Top Tier perks are the ones that can increase range , stability , Aim assistance and recoil pattern to make your Fusion Rifle as consistent as possible.
Top Tier perks are:
Rifled Barrel
Braced Frame
Counter Balance
Hidden Hand
And Linear Compensator for guns that have a Barrel option to choose from.
Obviously the Fusion rifles in the Top 3 have most of these perks so let me start with presenting to you the Fusion Rifle in the number 3 spot.
The King's Fall Raid Fusion Rifle the Midha's Reckoning.
This fusion rifle comes with the following perks:
Linear compensator
Accurized ballistics
Field Choke
Fitted stock
Braced Frame
And on the last perk I have Surrounded but this can be dropped with Hip Fire, Life support and Hot swap.
There are two perks that makes The Midha's Reckoning great and that is Linear Compensator and Braced Frame. These two perks boost the performance of this fusion rifle making it one of the best in the highest hitting impact archetype.
Braced Frame gives that extra needed stability boost and Linear compensator makes the recoil pattern only go up. It is actually one of the few guns where the recoil stat is a 100.
A high recoil stat means the more vertical the recoil is. This is actually what you want in a good Fusion Rifle since this allows you to easily manage the recoil by pulling the lever a bit down when you shoot the gun.
A low recoil stat will make the gun move more on the horizontal axis and that would be harder to correct for with your joystick.
So the recoil stat of 100 makes the Midha's Reckoning very easy to handle if you take into account the vertical recoil pattern. Just remember to pull the lever a bit down when you shoot the gun , to minimize the spread of your bolts and maximizing your 1 hit kill potential with this fusion rifle.
The Midha's Reckoning always comes with the same perks except for the last perk which differs per drop. For the most optimal Midha's Reckoning roll you will be looking for Hip Fire or Hot Swap on the last perk, whereas Hot Swap which grants you extra stability when you switch to the weapon will be the preferred choice.
In the second spot we have the old Crucible Vendor Fusion Rifle The Panta Rhei
Mine has
the Reflex scope
Red Dot ORA
And the OEG scope
Last Resort
Enhanced Battery
Rifled Barrel
Feather mag
And Rangefinder
The Panta Rhei already has great base stats and with my roll this has been given a Range boost with rifled barrel at the expense of reload speed and Rangefinder pushes that range out even more and on Fusion Rifles Rangefinder also helps with extra target acquisition as well.
Last Resort is somewhat of a wasted perk, ideally I would have Hidden Hand to give an extra target acquisition boost.
When you compare this with the Midha's Reckoning fusion rifle the Panta Rhei sits in a lower impact archetype so the impact is lower but it outperforms the Midha Reckoning in all the other attributes.
It charges faster, has better range, stability, reload speed, aim assistance and equip speed.
So as you can see it has great stats and with the combination of its great perks it just gives you a great experience where it maximizes the consistency of the gun making it so easy to use when you compare this with other fusion rifles. It feels very sticky and the recoil is very manageable due to the high recoil stat of 80. So that means the recoil pattern is most likely vertical which can be easily managed by pulling your gun down when you shoot.
The only downside of this gun is that you unfortunately can not buy this gun anymore as it was part of the previous Crucible Quartermaster Vendor weapon set. So you would need to rely on Crucible Weapon Packages or Fusion Rifle bounties to get your hands on a Panta Rhei.
But if you have one , check your roll on it, you might just have a gem in your vault right now.
Before I announce my number 1 pick, here are some honourable mentions.
Plan-C, this would be in the top 3 if it wasn't for the exotic slot that it requires to use this gun. But if you have an exotic slot open and you are planning to use a Fusion Rifle then this should be your number 1 pick.
The Telesto is the besto! I don't need to say more. (Great for Pve not so much in Pvp)
The Thesan FR4 from the gunsmith is also a great Fusion Rifle which is readily available, however you do need to be lucky to have it dropped on Arm's Day with a good roll.
In the number 1 spot we have the Saladin's Vigil from the Archon Forge.
My Saladin's vigil comes with
Linear compensator
Accurized Ballistics
Field Choke
Hammer Forged
Reinforced barrel
Quick draw
Accelerated coils
And Battle Runner
This is without a doubt the best Fusion Rifle in the game. It has fantastic base stats straight out of the box and most of the perks that it can drop with are useful to further improve the gun. Look out for Rifled Barrel and Braced Frame in the first column and Hot Swap or Range finder in the last column, these are the top tier perks for the gun. Unfortunately I don't have either of them but with my current setup with Hammer forged, Quick Draw and Unflinching this gun is still a beast. I can only imagine how it will be if it had those top tier perks.
The Saladin's Vigil has everything you need in a Good Fusion Rifle: high impact, range, stability, high aim assist and the recoil is very easy to manage with the use of Linear compensator.
This is without a doubt the king of fusion rifles, if you like to use fusion rifles then this is a must have in your weapon collection. The only downside of this gun is that it is really a long grind to get this weapon, it only drops from Archon Forge and the drop rates are pretty low.
It took me a couple of days of endless grinding until I got one dropped.
But it is totally worth it if you like to use fusion rifles.
So that is my top 3 Fusion Rifle overview. Let me know in the comments below what your top 3 is. And let me know what I should cover in my next video
That’s it for today I hope you enjoyed this video, subscribe to see more videos like this.
Stick around to see your next recommended video or check out my latest video, which you can find in the end screen.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
How the ANTHEM Trailer supposed to be, DESTINY 2 version!
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Destiny 2 version of the ANTHEM Teaser Trailer. Since ANTHEM supposed to be the Destiny 2 Killer I thought let's make a Destiny 2 version of the ANTHEM Trailer.
Link Official Anthem Teaser Trailer:
Watch my next video "My WORST to BEST Palindrome GOD Rolls ":
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
WHY it’s OK NOT to have RANDOM weapon ROLLS in Destiny 2 [Luke Smith]
Welcome Guardians, this is the YouTube Channel for all things Destiny! This channel aims to provide you news, gameplay and tips & tricks for Destiny. Join and Subscribe for more videos!
Why it’s OK not to have random weapon rolls in Destiny 2 [Luke Smith]
"There aren't random rolls on weapons anymore. Better Devils is a Crucible hand cannon [in Destiny 2], and what it has on it is what it has on it. Period," Luke Smith
This quote has caused some disturbance in the Destiny community. Chasing weapons with the perfect God Roll has been a vital part of playing Destiny. Guardians are afraid of losing the purpose of Destiny if you don’t need to grind anymore for a god roll weapon. Grinding has been a vital part of the time spend in Destiny. We have endlessly grind the raids for that Fatebringer or the Vex Mythoclast and we have endlessly grind strikes for that god roll Imago Loop or Grasp of Malok and the same with the Crucible for that perfect Rolled Eyasluna.
And people have argued that they are coming back to Destiny because of the search for that perfect weapon. Whether that is a God Roll Imago Loop, Eyasluna or Warpath Rocketlauncher , sorry I am just joking about the last one. (pun intended)
So this quote coming from Luke Smith begs the question:
Will we lose a vital part of the game if there are no random weapon rolls anymore in Destiny 2?
Will it be the end of Destiny 2 before the game has even launched?
Well I am on the bright side of this discussion and I believe that it’s ok to not have random weapon rolls and let me tell you why.
The Reward Satisfaction Factor
How often did you completed a nightfall and you got rewarded with a weapon but you decided to shard it because the roll on the gun is bad. I believe everyone has experienced this before. I know I certainly have. We spend a lot of time playing the game and sometimes the rewards are not worth the time investment. Imagine that you can only play a couple of hours a week, because you have a job, family or you have any other obligations. How would that suck when you finally have the time to play the game and the game rewards you with something that is not meaningful to you.
It is really a disappointing moment when you get something dropped like an Eyasluna only to find out that it is barely useable due to the perks.
The experience will be totally different when there are no random rolls, if you get a particular gun dropped you know exactly what you will get, there is no ambiguity around it anymore.
When you get the gun dropped, you know exactly whether you will be happy or not with the drop, there is no false hope where you are firstly excited about for example about an eyasluna drop and then being disappointed with bad rolls that the gun has.
So the satisfaction of drops will be much more consistent when you take the random rolls out of the equation
Not having random rolls will also help with balancing the game when there are less factors to take into account. We already know that Bungie in Destiny 2 will be able to tweak a specific gun without affecting the entire weapon archetype and having fixed weapon rolls will help Bungie further with tweaking the state of the crucible without having the need to take into account countless variations of the gun.
(Giving Guns a Character)
And as a player you will have a better connection with a gun if you know the strengths and weaknesses of a specific gun without the need to take into account specific must have perks.
For example, if we are in Destiny 2 with fixed rolls I will know how a particular gun will consistently perform compared with another gun. I can for example say that the range is much higher compared with another gun where it might be the case that the range is lower, And that will help me with my decision to use a particular gun in the crucible because you can easily compare these among each other consistently.
And on the receiving end of the crucible if I get shot often by a specific gun. I will slowly but surely know how to engage against that particular gun if they all behave consistently with fixed rolls. This will be a very important factor with competitive play when you inspects someone's loadout, you will know what you are up against and you don't have to make any assumptions on what roll a certain gun has without looking it up on the internet.
So having fixed weapon rolls will solidify each character of a gun and you can then truly compare guns with each other.
Weapon Mods
In destiny 2 there will be a way for you to further customize your gun. We know that weapon mods will be in Destiny 2 but unfortunately we do not know yet how this will exactly work.
What I hope is that you will be able to adjust your gun with specific mods that matches your playstyle.
For example if I am someone that likes fast movement, I want to incorporate that style in my gun with mods that can ready the weapon faster or that it allows you to reload faster. Or if I am a long range player I would like to have mods that can help me on the long range with for example a longer range scope or muzzles that can increase the range of my gun.
So in this way this will still allow some adjustments of the gun by giving it some extra character, but this will be at the advantage of the player , where you are the one that has the power to adjust the gun to your liking instead of relying on RNG defining the fate of your gun.
So all in all I am not too worried about fixed weapon rolls too much, I believe it will bring excitement again when you get a weapon dropped and that it will help you to compare guns among each other where you can put the strengths and weaknesses against each other and to truly find the gun that you like to use the most.
Also having fixed weapon rolls will help with balancing the crucible, and hopefully we will see more subtle buffs & nerfs and less disruptive balancing where you are forced to jump from one weapon type to another because a certain weapon type is not viable anymore, I am looking at you Year 1 auto rifles.
But all of this optimism is heavily dependent on what Bungie is going to do with the weapon mods. The weapon customization needs to be done correctly, like I said it needs to give the guardian the power to add their flavor to the gun. This is really something that bungie need to get it right.
So those are my thoughts about the fix weapon rolls , let me know in the comments below how you feel about it.
I hope you enjoyed this video, subscribe for more and help me reach the 2000 subscriber milestone
And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.
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